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Oh, congrats on your 4.0! Almost forgot what that was!

Of course, he didn't say whether it was out of the 4.0 grading system or 12.0 grading system.
Illia hasn't been on this thread for several weeks. I sent her an email 1-2 weeks ago with no response. I'm sure she's busy with her gardening. I no longer keep up with any of the breed threads so am unsure if she's been on other threads during that time.

Anyone wants to get ahold of Illia, I have her phone #

Could you PM me her phone number, please? DH won't be too surprised if some eggs arrive in the mail.
Just found out that the Hamburg cockeral I'm getting this week has had no vaccines at all; he's from a closed backyard flock, and I'm not primarily worried about him giving my birds illnesses, I'm much more worried about what he might catch from them, but especially from the large number of (entirely welcome and cherished) wild birds on this place.

Any helpful hints?
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I have a serious pet peeve with the entire education process.
Why is it that after 13 years of school, our kids are graduating & out on the streets, and can DO nothing???????????
I am all for reworking the entire school system to make it more vocational.
Screw the extra algebra and useless US History and other Social classes that no one remembers...what about serious vocational classes ?
Like starting in the 10th grade, a mandatory 2 hrs a day of:
Nursing basics
Animal husbandry
agriculture sciences
computer sciences
communication sciences
biology studies
Metal engineering
Dietician studies
geriatric studies
family health
and so on.................
That way, they can "see" what they like, what interests them, what they want to "be"
and by the time the graduate, they can GO TO WORK !!!!!!!!!!!!!
To hell with the extra 6 years of college.
Kids getting out of High School can "DO" nothing!!
And they still do not know carpla about US History

I seriously think we need to have this.
Start on the job training for HS kids in the 10th grade..at Veterenarians, Dental Offices, Dr offices, in construction and so on.
Classroom study, lecture & lab work too.
I bet the kids would EXCELL and actually PAT ATTENTION.
And if they don't, then they choose another vocation until they find one that captures their mind.

That's my rant.
Kids need to "BE SOMETHING" when they get out of school.
I would love to hear how the Icelandic hatch goes. I plan on eventually having a flock of my own.

Getting Icelandic eggs in the mail anyday now, from the Warden..awesome birds.
So will have eggs for sale in about 6 mo...I am counting my eggs before they hatch again.
And actually I am hatching them for Boldog...so WE will have awesome Icelandics here in Western WA...OK ???
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