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Well it just so happens that I grew up on the Columbia and know my way around pretty good! I just happen to have knowledge of where that beach is. To set the record straight NO I HAVE NEVER GONE TO THAT SIDE OF THE PARK !!!
I can't believe that Ron actually bragged about getting new chickens. EE's I think and then even disclosed when would be a good time to make them disappear, When he is taking his afternoon snooze !
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So I totally failed at getting the wings clipped. I got a hold of her, but she was mostly squawking and flapping her wings... and way to clip the wings of a flighty bird?
Any help is most appreciated. I have never done this before!
I am glad to see that everyone seems to be getting along ok today. Anyone PM'd Royce? I can if you all want. Since I wasn't even on here at the time and had no part in that "conversation".
Let me know. I let my BR out to free range with the other girls today, I will see how it goes when they all try to go to bed. Might be interesting if they are trying to re-establish pecking order. Wish me luck!
Well it just so happens that I grew up on the Columbia and know my way around pretty good! I just happen to have knowledge of where that beach is. To set the record straight NO I HAVE NEVER GONE TO THAT SIDE OF THE PARK !!!
I can't believe that Ron actually bragged about getting new chickens. EE's I think and then even disclosed when would be a good time to make them disappear, When he is taking his afternoon snooze !

Actually, I think they are common ole' white egg layers (leghorns) Right Ron?
No, I am sure they are very hot chicks indeed. And I would be careful..... Wouldn't put it past him to be baiting the trap.
I actully was just thinking about that. I think since it was my post that seems to have ruffled him, I will do it. Not problem if others want to join in. I hate to see anybody miss this because of a discussion.
I visited with Royce today. He's in fine spirits, and I enjoyed the time I spent with him, as I always do. He always has a lot of knowledge to share with me, and I see him as a chicken mentor.

The issue came up, I didn't push it, and I don't intend to push it.

He has the sweetest little Buckeye chicks in his living room
I've never seen such friendly little ones before.
Please don't wear the gown and tiara because that will force Russ into spandex... How could you do that to us?

Oh don't worry. The spandex is being restretched as we speak. Yup putting the tic back in elastic.

Should we have some sort of activities planned?
Maybe a laptop and camera to post on BYC as the party goes on?
Some simple contests? Like matching coops to people.
Any other ideas.

BTW I'm taking a couple days off work before the party, so i'll have some time to spare.

LOL I'm not too worried about anybody ,Including Chicken Rustler getting to my Flock. If ya get past the Cows, then theres MY dog (she don't like strangers) and after her is Barnie my rooster. and he HATES everyone!!!! Then there is the mine field around the barn
. Also my bedroom window at the head of my bed looks straight out at the barn and I NEVER sleep.
Please don't wear the gown and tiara because that will force Russ into spandex... How could you do that to us?

Oh don't worry. The spandex is being restretched as we speak. Yup putting the tic back in elastic.

Should we have some sort of activities planned?
Maybe a laptop and camera to post on BYC as the party goes on?
Some simple contests? Like matching coops to people.
Any other ideas.

BTW I'm taking a couple days off work before the party, so i'll have some time to spare.


I was thinking about that too. Maybe a deviled egg contest, 2 possible. Making - everybody brings their secret ingredients and then a blind taste test. Or eating. contestants race to see who can down a set number first.

I think an egg rolling contest was discussed....... I vote for that one on a long length of tables so the old fogies like myself can reach the eggs.

We could do a name that chicken game..... But some would have definite advantages.
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Hey anybody in the Lake Stevens area ?? I just spotted an incubator on CL for $30. Wish I was closer I would be all over that as I am going to be needing one soon. If ya get it and and it is a still air throw it away my away.
Cause I have small 110VAC fans that would work great.
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