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I would love to be in on this. But I need to see if I can find someplace to raise them. Probably about 10 of them only, but no more than 25.
Do you have any idea how long to butchering size on these? I haven't been able to find that kind of info when I have looked.

My meat bird raising place fell through on me, and I really want to grow my own so I know what they have been eating. So, is there anybody out there that has room to raise up some meat birds for me. I am happy to negotiate on trades, deals etc. Organic or Pastured and Non chemical is my preference.
My girls are really starting to lay right now, so if anyone is looking for FBCM eggs I have them. As a matter of fact I have a doz ready to go now.
My husband is making me a incubator so I'll have more room to hatch them, but it wont be ready for these eggs. My LG is full of them right now the first are to hatch on the 6th of Feb than another set for the 13 of Feb.
Id put a picture of them on here but dont know how to.

Have a great one.
I talked on the telephone with suburbanchickchick. She is definitely a chicken person!

She was helping me to look at the possibilities for fighting for my service rooster. Probably not looking good at this point. But I haven't given up hope. Just fearful at this point that my lovelies won't be mine much longer.

So in case I need the home for Pinky, is anybody out there who would like him? Rob, KittyMomma, Anybody?
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OK I REALLY NEED HELP!!! I recently aquired an LG incubator. I had it set up and running at 99 for 3 days. Then I decided to put a fan in it. I had a fan and showed it to eagle. He looked at it and said he thought it would be fine. I installed the fan and can't get the temp stable, it's either too hot or too cold. OK so turn off the fan. Now I still can't get the right temp. I can get it to shut off at 99 but then it drops toabout 95 before it comes back on.

I need help fast before I start cutting fishin bobbers out of the styrofoam.

look what's that ???
Looks like chicken poo !!
Smell it !
Smells like chicken poo !
Taste it !!
Tastes like chicken Poo!!!
Must be chicken poo good thing we didn't step in it !!!!!
What about your girls?? Where will they go?

Well, it would just be 4 that would need homes. Probably I can find homes close by. As it gets closer, I will post here (when I decide who goes
) and see if anybody is interested. I have a nice bunch of chickens. I know anybody would be happy to have them. No bullies in the bunch..... At least while Pinky is here.
OK Rob, I know nothing about incubators except what the inside looked like almost 53 years ago. So assuming it has a thermostat, is it simply a matter of replacing that or relocating it or the placement of the sensor for it?
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I just can not belive that it has not worked out for you ROB?
I'm sure that you are doing all that all of us would be trying. Have you tried to unplug all the air openings and let it run for ahalf day that way?
Or vise a versa with only a couple of air holes open?
I do believe that there is some formula that will work with the LG and fan. I know the water in there plays a big facture.
I wish I had some magic wand and just fix it for ya, but I'm still working on that.

Weaveagarden: sorry that you have to offload a few of your birds. I kindda' thought that was in the works when you received some chicks from Kim?
Did you already get rid of them or is that something separate?
Weave I have plenty of space but I don't have any room. In other words 13 acres but only 1 coop that already has a roo.

I am really thinking I should have just followed throug hwith my plans to build my own incubator. Then I wouldn't fighting with piece of crap. if not stable by tomorrow it's getting tossed and I will take my chances with my own design. At least then I will expect there to be problems rather than expecting things to be good and they aren't.

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