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I have been sleeping and since I just have 6 hens you would think that they would all be laying but nooooooooooooooooooooo

I just have 2 bantams
laying! My ee hen laying she is my old faithful. The white rocks I have are off and on laying.

If I can get off my butt I can send a recipe but I won't be going to the party but I would like to share it with you all.

That sounds good. I think anybody who isn't able to come should send a recipe if they would like. And I will make sure you get a copy of the book of recipes. At this rate, it may be pretty skimpy.
Well since it is so busy here I don't want to take too much space so here we go.
There is real EGGSCITEMENT in my neighborhood. one of the pullets that the neighbors silkie hatched in our barn has started laying. Yeah yeah yeah big deal !!! NO WAIT IT IS A BIG DEAL she laid her first egg last saturday and has laid every day since. Big deal right. But wait it really is a big deal she is laying BEAUTIFUL OLIVE colored eggs, and the color is getting better. The roo was a BR cross and we have no idea what brand hen it was to get this color eggs. So now the big question if we hatch some of the olive eggs do we have a good chance of getting olive egg layers? Also since they are with the same roo will that be a problem.

Now here is the cool stuff. Today while standing out talking to DN. I told her keep an eye on yer chickens while ther are out. See that hawk setting in the tree in my field, he has been hanging around a lot lately. Then about that a young Bald Eagle flew over and as it started to circle over her chickens the roo rounded up the flock and got them into the coop. It was awesome to watch.

Have had eggs in the LG for 5 days now and no signs of anybody trying to escape. What's the hold up !!!!
There is a potluck for everyone here on February 28th. If you can come let us know.
I have been sleeping and since I just have 6 hens you would think that they would all be laying but nooooooooooooooooooooo

I just have 2 bantams
laying! My ee hen laying she is my old faithful. The white rocks I have are off and on laying.

If I can get off my butt I can send a recipe but I won't be going to the party but I would like to share it with you all.

That sounds good. I think anybody who isn't able to come should send a recipe if they would like. And I will make sure you get a copy of the book of recipes. At this rate, it may be pretty skimpy.

I will send it to you once I am a bit better than today.
Well let's see if I can get a word in here. Here are some tricks I have found for using my LG. Since there isn't much room to add water to the bottom, I found that DW's cute little copper flower watering can works great. It has a nice long thin spout that reaches right tween the turner rails. Also since the LG is higher than my chair and I want to know when it is on and off. I shaped a piece of foil into a 1/2 dome and set it over the indicator light. This way from any where in the room I can tell if the light is on or off.
Do you know about the potluck party at the end of the month in Kirkland?

The recipes are for the dishes that people plan to bring. Are you going to be there? We would love to have you I am sure. KMHunter is collecting money for the party and Justbugged is handling the menu. I am collecting the recipes to make a book to hand out at the party.
Miz Broody is at it again! She started setting yesterday with three eggs and when I moved her into solitary tonight she had aquired seven more. I took away the duck egg and so she has a possible hatch of nine. I love little chickies! On another note it turns out that I already have plans on the 28th. I have a standing commitment on the third Sunday of the month and I didn't realize till today that the two events were on the same day. Have fun without me guys. Hopefully the summer get together comes together and I can hang out with all of the crazies then.

How did that netting work out for ya' CR?
Going on a road trip today to Wenatchee.
Talk to ya all soon.
I have a couple of BCM Roos that I would like to get rid of if anyone is interested.
There not crowing yet but they will. Parents on site.
Well Mike I haven't had a chance to get the netting put up yet. That is not real high on priorities since all is secure right now. I have been busier than a one legged person at a but kickin contest. Tween trying to get my new banty pen done, some welding projects that have come my way and all the normal stuff around here. I am sure the netting will be great. I laid it out in the lawn and it will be plenty to cover my main run. That means that I can use the chicken wire I have on the roof to extend the walls. That will add 16'x24' to my outside run. If I work this right I may be able to alternate runs so they don't get over used and will also make it easier to "HARVEST" poo.

Mike did ya see my post about the olive eggs and the ??s' about using same roo. I am new to this chicken breeding and don't know. I know in the goats I would not breed back that close but don't know if it is a concern with chickens.

Well I am starting to think that just not meant to hatch eggs. This am I discovered that the motor burnt out on my turner. So one more thing to repair.
Chicken Rustler
That is just to cool about the eggs.
If they ever want to sell any let me know. I just love love colored eggs.
I think you could let the roo with her again, Ive done it or should I say my young son did it to us and the chicks where fine. Im
Im heading to get stuff to finish my cabnet incubator, oh my gosh its wire time and Im cluess:he but I do have someone who is helping me along the way by email. Wish me luck.
I have eggs that are talking to me so I hope to have some chicks tonight or in the morning. I really hate this part the wait and see it drives me crazy
Iknow I'll get some Kettle corn and watch

Off to the store..
Oh I would like to go on the 28 just not sure if I can yet, want to send me the info for food..
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