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I think you mean Pitterpat Palace.

Yes, I got a few PM's from people. Haven't had a chance to reply back. We have 3 vehicles and only use one.
1986 Nissan Truck, white, 77k miles, 4wd (we keep it in 2wd), manual, newer tires, paint, etc
1993 Isuzu Amigo, red, 107k mi, fwd, manual, have hard top (all pieces included for soft top)- really just an A to B car, not fancy
1991 Mazda Miata, red, 127k mi, rrd, manual, hard top, hard top holder when not using (the soft top folds down even when hard top on), our daily driver, best/most fun car I've had.

And... we'll be likely keeping the truck and convertible, but selling the Amigo before moving.
To each their own, my dear. I remember a while back someone said that we who love city living must be afraid of the dark because we keep everything well lit. It's the price you pay- 30 feet to the neighbors' house. And everything we could ever want and need is an arms length away...
How is puppy doing?

To each their own, my dear. I remember a while back someone said that we who love city living must be afraid of the dark because we keep everything well lit. It's the price you pay- 30 feet to the neighbors' house. And everything we could ever want and need is an arms length away...
I am here. I'm alive and everything... just haven't posted or caught up like I was. Sorry if I worried anyone!! I've been doing a lot of knitting and crochet lately and then on FB, I've been playing my games and not much else... but yes! I'm here...
To each their own, my dear. I remember a while back someone said that we who love city living must be afraid of the dark because we keep everything well lit. It's the price you pay- 30 feet to the neighbors' house. And everything we could ever want and need is an arms length away...

She's feeling better. Thanks for asking. She started getting her energy back toward the end of last week. When she was sick, we were sad by how lethargic she was and wished she had her puppyness back. Now that she's feeling better, we're wondering where that lazy dog went to. Lol! But are so glad. She still has lesions, but seems to only be getting a couple new each day in her ears. Her lymph nodes are still enlarged, but they are slowly receding. And her abdomen is CLEAR! Yay! Hopefully we will be able to start tapering off her steroids in the next week or so once the lesions resolve. So hard to imagine it's only been 2 weeks since this whole thing started.
It is scheduled to be delivered the 28th. The Brabanter eggs are to be shipped by 3/7 at the latest. I wonder if I dare hatch some of them in an untried incubator. On the other hand, if I got some eggs to experiment with, what would I do with the chicks?

ETA on the bator? When do you think the Brabanter eggs are coming?
ETA on the bator? When do you think the Brabanter eggs are coming?

Keep 'em, sell 'em on Craigslist, give them away. I'm thinking I should start talking all of my friends into building their own coops so that I have places to send my hatched chicks when and if I ever get an incubator. Spread the love!
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