Watering nipple mess

I am going to do some more investigating when I get home from work. Maybe try glueing a vent hole on one shut and leaving the other open and then compare the area under the two in the morning.
Also, Mr. Peeps, how much do you charge for your watering nipples? If it turns out mine are leaking, I will have to get some that don't leak!
I use broken gravel below my watering areas so any water filters down. Since I switched to waterer cups, there has not been any water on the gorund.
Yes the chickens look up to peck to drink and you can hang or make a shelf for the bucket. they do need a breather hole at the top not like rabbit waters chicken nipples don't let air back in. it didn't take me long to teach my 2 month old hens. I took there waterier away from them the day before so they get thirsty. I held one at a time and bump there heads on the nipple till they started doing it themselves.

ours made a mess at first, but then got better at using them. With that said, we put a lid for a 55 gallon drum under the waterer to catch the sprinkles.

I found that they make much less mess if they have to reach up to tickle them. We have raised ours about 5 times now.

As far as keeping the water clean, I made dunce caps out of hardware fabric and plastic food wrap to cover the bucket. You could do the same with a left over feed bag and some hardware fabric. You can see em on my page.
Well I raised mine up and then I put a throw away pan up under it. That has been catching most of the drops the chicks miss. I bet they will get better at using it once they use thiem for a while and get the hang of it...
Hi Mr. Peeps,
We would like to purchase the chicken waterers from you and cant figure out how..? Please help.
We just started using a five gallon bucket with three nipples for 10 hens. It is working great. Their water is clean with every drink. They started hitting the nipples while we here hanging the bucket yesterday afternoon. This moring when they came out of the hen house all 10 went right to the bucket and started watering themselves.

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