Watery poop????

Wow. What a useful link. I bookmarked it for future reference. Thanks for posting it. I had no idea that the range of "normal" was so great in chicken poop.
Gee thanks for that link! Maybe they are too warm. I'm going to move the lamp up a bit higher to cool things down. I've been keeping the temp at 95-98F since this is their first week.

It's kind of funny to watch one of them poop. She sort of spreads her tiny feet, squats down, wiggles her bum then farts it out.
I wish I knew how to post video 'cause I'd share it here.

Thanks for the help!
Watch how they behave to tell if they're too warm. If they're moving as far away from the heat lamp as possible, that's a good hint. If they're huddling together and peeping loudly, they're too cold.

One of our hens always steps backward two or three paces before she poops, like switching into reverse. Hilarious.
If they're hot they will drink more which gives them watery poos. Are they in the coop? It's been ungodly hot here in Maryland and some of my girls have watery poos. I put frozen water jugs in their run for them to gather around and cool off. They try to sit on them. It's pretty funny.
I moved them into a dog cage to give them more room to play. That also allowed me to raise the heat lamp higher so now the temp is around 80F. Right now they are cuddled together under the heat lamp.

I put their food and water on the opposite side of the cage so they have to move away from the lamp from time to time.
watery poo at this age is normal.
I like to keep them at 95 the first week, 90 the second week etc. I think 80 might not be warm enough.
How many do you have? with a lot you do not need to keep it as warm.

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