Watery poop


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jul 30, 2012
New Jersey
My week-old silkie chick has watery poop. I noticed it about 4 hours ago. She doesn't have pasty butt or anything, she seems fine, but her poop is just watery. is this normal?
My week-old silkie chick has watery poop. I noticed it about 4 hours ago. She doesn't have pasty butt or anything, she seems fine, but her poop is just watery. is this normal?
Sometimes with chicks that young the poo seems a little runny at times. Keep an eye on it and see if it gets any better. Also watch for other signs of illness. Is she eating and drinking?

Was she vaccinated against coccidiosis or Marecks disease? Are you feeding medicated feed? I would say if she was not vaccinated and you are not feeding medicated, you may want to try that, or there is another product called corid that you can get at the feed store.
My chicks have this sometimes. It usually happens when they drink a lot of water at one time and thats what makes their poop watery sometimes. I think it will be fine just watch its behavior.
Thank you, she still has it and seems a little sleepy, but I'll keep watching her. Is there anything that I could feed her that would help? She's my favorite chick
Thank you, she still has it and seems a little sleepy, but I'll keep watching her. Is there anything that I could feed her that would help? She's my favorite chick
You might give all of your chicks pro biotics and the one with watery poo might benefit from electrolytes. You can buy packets of both at your feed store. I wouldn't bee too concerned unless it stays consistent, gets worse, or there are other signs of illness.

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