We got a bear! coming into the yard

Hello, what are you thinking? Shooting a bear is WAY more than you can handle. It's illegal too. And I can understand shooting a raccoon, or possum, or even a dog that's attacking your chickens, but don't just shoot a bear because you saw it and are scared it will hurt your birds. Call the animal patrol or something. Get a hound dog! That's my recommendation You can borrow one of mine if you'd like.
The only time it is not illegal to shoot a bear is when it is destroying property.
Animal Control will do nothing about a bear you must call Game and Wildlife for removal and documentation.
and just WHY? is it more than the OP can handle?
I am female and 50 and I can shoot a bear for goodness sake,
heck with proper fire power my 12 year old can shoot a bear, it isn't rocket science.
A motion light and electric fencing. Yes, they will break into your coop if they want, even if it's just the feed they are after. They may kill a few birds on there way to it. I 2nd the coon hound
Mine does a great job of letting me know when they are around, just need to be extra careful that he doesn't get loose when they are.
I will tell you what I am thinking, not only is it legal to shoot a bear it is a must once they learn there are chickens to be had. As for more than someone can handle, that is a pile of stuff you leave in an outhouse. What is animal patrol? Heck here it takes the sheriff a 1/2 hour to get here if he is not doing something else. In that time I could lose 40 or 50 chickens. The state gives me a depredation permit and I have a back hoe. Mr. bear goes to bear heaven and I go back to sleep. Twice I have shot bears in my house, should I have called the sheriff than too?
As for a dog, any bear will kill six good bear dogs while you are dailing for help. SSS is the only thing to do. But don't wound it, kill it.
The only thing that I can recall which has worked on bears for good is a stout electric fence. Were talking 4 x 4 posts and something like a 100 mile charger... really heavy duty stuff.

Youll want to keep your kiddies away from a fence like that, BTW.
I don't like the idea of killing the bear either its so sad,
but I don't like it killing chickens either. Its so hard. We took their land though.
Emz, we have to live somewhere too
We need to be able to raise our own food safely also. Unless you are in NJ you can generally kill a large predator that is destroying property or in the process of coming after you. Those laws generally apply to the 2 legged critters also.

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