We made the front page....and I need help

This made me angry enough to register and to post a comment, though, like horsejody's, mine has not shown up yet, either. Maybe they'll approve them later in the day.

I didn't know the comment would be "held," so I didn't copy it to paste here, but basically I said that I was grateful I did not live in Titusville, and that the newspaper was doing its readers a disservice by printing Kerr's opinions on the health and sanitation concerns regarding keeping these pets without challenging them, since they were based completely on ignorance and misinformation.

I also questioned how the pets could possibly get "into the school," and reiterated that the INSPECTOR found, upon inspection, a clean house and ZERO issues with the animals. I compared a chicken to a parrot, parakeet, or cockatiel, and a rabbit to a guinea pig, and asked if Kerr's pet issues were so deep that he'd ban ALL pets in his school district. I mentioned that not many CAT and DOG owners can claim that there are NO pet odors in their homes, as was the case in Sonia's clean home, as reported by the inspector.

I also suggested that Kerr go door to door in the district, SWAT-team style, looking for pet turtles, because, after all, they can carry salmonella! OOOOOH, SCARY!

I hope I didn't rant so much that they won't print my response. And I hope more people go and leave commentary.
Just so you know...every website has tracking software (even my blog does), so it's simple to see where traffic is coming from, if people are linking here directly from the BYC post. All the paper has to do is follow the "trackback" to see this thread. It's a fairly simple and common practice, especially when you suddenly have a lot of traffic on an article that wouldn't normally get a lot of attention, and when that traffic appears to be coming from all over the place geographically.

The only way I can see to get around it (though it might be closing the coop door after the chickens are out) is to post the URL but NOT make it a "hot" (clickable) link. Let BYCers copy and paste the URL into their own browsers. That way the paper can see where each visit is coming from, but not how the visitors found the article.
I responded but in a kind way asking if they would then deny individuals of owning such birds as parakeets, cockatiels and parrots. I also thought the the individuals made an uneducated and misinformed decision about chickens. I wish you luck.
Apparently the site will not show your comment....would you be willing to post it here so we can read it too?

I should have copied my comment before I hit the send button. Honestly, my head is still shaking back and forth and my eyes keep rolling to the back of my head. What is wrong with those people, and especially Terry Kerr? Maroons, every one of them.
Wow, Sounds to me like they have too much time on their hands if they are worried about chickens and bunnies. I posted a comment for you. I did not use the link, so they won't be able to trace it back here.
I also posted a comment about the fact that they need to approve articles. That is scary. So much for free speech!

Thank you all again and again.

If it comes down to it I will post phone numbers and more email addresses later on. I want to see what the newspaper has to say after I talk to the reporter later.
Apparently the site will not show your comment....would you be willing to post it here so we can read it too?

I didn't realize that it wouldn't show up right away so I didn't save it. I basically told them that their decision was ridiculous, and as a chicken keeper I could assure them that a small coop and run with a few hens was easier to keep and cleaner than a dog house and run with a big dog in it. I tried to be very civil and polite about it because sarcasm would probably be of no help. I also mentioned that many major cities now allow chicken keeping.

edited because i didn't proof read!
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