In the Brooder
Long story short, I now have a single chick that I had to help hatch 2 days ago. The chick is very weak, and sleeps most of the time. I have not left water in with it as I am afraid it will stumble around and drown in it, so I have been giving it water with a syringe. At first it acted like it was choking, but has improved. This morning it was pecking at the thermometer in its box so I mashed up some boiled egg yolk and put some in its beak, it pecked some from my finger but then immediately went back to sleep. My question is, how often should I try to feed the chick. I have left some starter crumble in the box, but it won't eat it.
I have been worried sick about this little chick, it's almost like having a newborn. Up every two hours checking on it
I have been worried sick about this little chick, it's almost like having a newborn. Up every two hours checking on it