In the Brooder
11 Years
Jul 26, 2008
I haven't bought my chickens yet, but I'm busy mentally building my tractor and permanent pen. I read something about weasels on the forum yesterday and suddenly, I recalled our experience with them years ago as a boy. Those critters are merciless and bloodthirsty. They got into my pigeon coop and killed a lot of my birds back then. Has anyone found a way to keep them out short of cladding every seam, corner and joint with sheetmetal and providing tight fittings on doors and windows? The list of predators just keeps growing: rat snakes, foxes - both red and gray, coons, feral cats, hawks, weasels, stray dogs...geez I'm beginning to wonder if it's all worth it.
Of course its worth it. Well,. ..at least I think so.
You just have to consider all the possible problems with predators and build accordingly.
I had major problems with feral and wandering neighbors cats. Once I had the cat problems dealt with (SSS) I've had no problems. I know I have a fox that visits. I find scat occasionally, but it hasn't tried going after my chickens yet. I made it easier for it to find other meals.
1/2" hardware cloth works well against weasels, even the little lesser weasel. That, solid plywood and tight construction without cracks have worked well here over the years.

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