
Feather Fluffer
Premium Feather Member
5 Years
Nov 12, 2018
My family has been thinking about getting some weeder geese, just to have for the summer then invite them in for dinner. So naturally, I have questions.

Which is best, male or female? Do they smell much? Do they poop as much as ducks? Can they live without actual feed if they are in the garden all day? Do they tend to be aggressive or docile?

Thanks in advance. More questions may come.
A pair always works best but Ganders can be mean during spring regardless of being hand raised from babies.So if dont want to take the chance of having a mean loud gander in the spring just get two females.Imp there poop doesn't stink as much as ducks but they poop a lot more than ducks.How big is your garden?They will still need Chicken feed.But wont eat as much since most of there diet consist of grass.If you hand raised two females they should be pretty nice,

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