Weight loss lethargic not eating drinking or walking


Jul 27, 2018
Help! My beloved hen Fanny is sick. I lost an older hen (no longer laying) that had the same symptoms last week.

Fanny is 2 yo frizzle silkie. She started acting weird about a week ago, not running out of the coop when I would come outside, generally weak and wouldn’t move around too much and had labored breathing. She has gotten extremely thin and nothing in her crop. I have seen her eat and drink and has normal poop. She has also laid two eggs this week, one yesterday. I have been bringing her inside during the day (it been in the 90’s here in central California) and hand feeding her eggs, she ate quite a bit yesterday and was even pecking her food when I put her back in the coop yesterday.

When I went out this morning she was laying on the ground between her coop and dust bath box (almost like she got stuck and didn’t have the strength to move) she falls over when I stand her up and now can’t walk. Brought her in she won’t eat eggs and when she tries to peck at them she misses like she can’t see them or her depth perception is off or something.

Her symptoms: flopped comb (not sure if it’s “pale” cuz her comb is black) labored breathing, severe weight loss, nothing in crop, lethargy, not eating or drinking on her own, unable to walk or stand and is deteriorating at a rapid rate.

I was able to feed a few pieces of scrambled egg and she had a little water from a dropper but won’t eat or drink on her own. Bubbles came out of her nose when I gave her water with the dropper. I attached a picture of her poop from today, it’s pretty runny but no blood or green.

I’m going crazy I thought it was worms but I don’t know if they deteriorate this quickly with worms and I can find anyplace local or affordable that has oral administered wormer. Then I thought might be Mareks but we haven’t had any outside exposure and she’s 2 years old.

I culled the other hen that had the same symptoms last week. She was old, no longer laying and was paralyzed in the legs.

Any advice or help would be great. I don’t want whatever this is to wipe out my whole flock (I have 8 4 month old chicks I raised as day olds).


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She has also laid two eggs this week, one yesterday
she falls over when I stand her up and now can’t walk. Brought her in she won’t eat eggs and when she tries to peck at them she misses like she can’t see them or her depth perception is off or something.
flopped comb (not sure if it’s “pale” cuz her comb is black) labored breathing, severe weight loss, nothing in crop, lethargy, not eating or drinking on her own, unable to walk or stand and is deteriorating at a rapid rate.

Bubbles came out of her nose when I gave her water with the dropper.

I’m going crazy I thought it was worms but I don’t know if they deteriorate this quickly with worms and I can find anyplace local or affordable that has oral administered wormer.
I culled the other hen that had the same symptoms last week. She was old, no longer laying and was paralyzed in the legs.
I'm sorry about your hen:hugs
You had another thread started on the 24th, was that the one you lost?
Where are you located? (country/state)?
Bubbles comes out of her nose when you give her water with a dropper. Have you looked inside the beak for any lesions, blockage or canker?

Do you have photos of her eyes?
What do you feed?
Any chance she got into anything moldy or rotten?

If you have vet care, that is always best.

I would be cautious syringing fluids into her, you may need give her drops beside the beak instead. Do what you can to get her hydrated.

It's very hard to know what is going on with her. The rapid decline and paralysis, she may have Marek's or some other disease. If you happen to lose her, sending the body to your state lab would be a good idea since you have chicks waiting to go out.

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