Weird guinea egg... day 18

Yes I do believe you’re right! The air cell has been drawing down on one side since yesterday! I really hope this keet internally pips soon! I’m keeping my fingers crossed and sitting on my hands trying to be patient. If I was home I’d be watching the incubator like a hawk. I have a nurture right 360, do you think it’s alright if I just unplug the turner and don’t take it out since I have to turn it back on once this one is done. :fl :pop
I did candle the egg this morning and get some pictures. I will try to explain how the baby is positioned to the best of my ability. View attachment 2314176It’s feet are to the left side and its head is on the right side with its back parallel to the air cell *Pointy end* and it’s front side facing where the aircell is supposed to be on the bottom. I don’t know if this description makes sense because it’s hard to explain. I know that it’s positioning might change closer to hatch day. I really hope it hatches.
You’re far better at candling than me because I can’t tel positioning! That’s great that you can, and I think pipping into the aircell will give you your best chance of helping. I’ve had not so great luck with keets that pip the narrow end. I’ve had to assist all and most have had some health issues. I’m really hoping that your keet does well!
You’re far better at candling than me because I can’t tel positioning! That’s great that you can, and I think pipping into the aircell will give you your best chance of helping. I’ve had not so great luck with keets that pip the narrow end. I’ve had to assist all and most have had some health issues. I’m really hoping that your keet does well!
I have a really bright light and I could see that it’s feet were on the left side facing the bottom when it kicked. :) Thank you so much I really appreciate it. I’m so nervous that I’m trying to distract myself with other things. I’m still keeping my fingers crossed crossed for this little keet to hatch and I’ve grown quite attached already...:oops:

If I do assist it I will definitely be needing your help. It’s come so far so hopefully it makes it. :)
Can you hear it peeping yet? Shoot...let me get intoposition to pip, it tucks it's head under right shoulder so the beak is under the wing and against the membrane. So can you determine left/right when candling and find the beak? - shouldn't that area be where she creates the air hole?
Can you hear it peeping yet? Shoot...let me get intoposition to pip, it tucks it's head under right shoulder so the beak is under the wing and against the membrane. So can you determine left/right when candling and find the beak? - shouldn't that area be where she creates the air hole?
If I was going to create an air hole, I would do it at the tip of the air cell, away from any part of the keet. I would be very careful to make sure that the keet was not touched while making the hole.
Can you hear it peeping yet? Shoot...let me get intoposition to pip, it tucks it's head under right shoulder so the beak is under the wing and against the membrane. So can you determine left/right when candling and find the beak? - shouldn't that area be where she creates the air hole?
If I was going to create an air hole, I would do it at the tip of the air cell, away from any part of the keet. I would be very careful to make sure that the keet was not touched while making the hole.
Thanks both of you for the advice. At the moment the beak is on the right side, facing down where the air cell would normally be. If that makes sense. I’m going to create an air hole if it does not pip on its own. I would like it to be able to hatch on its own , but if it can’t I will help it out. Yes if I do an air hole I will do it in the aircell away from the keet. It is not peeping yet. It has yet to internally pip since it has only begun drawing down. I will very quickly check if it has internally pipped tommorow and for the next couple days when I turn the eggs that still need turned. I will let you guys know if there’s any changes. Since it’s only day 25 I wouldn’t want to put a safety hole this early or before it internally pips. :fl :fl :fl
well?????? Lol
Nothing has changed. It is still alive and moving around. I think I might be off on the day since I’m not exactly sure when the guinea started sitting. It is taking up most of the egg but has still not externally pipped. Ugh I’m growing anxious wondering if it is behind or if I’m off on my dates. :fl :confused::he:th

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