WEIRD or ODD Eggs pics!!!! :)

I'll post some soon, I have ZILLIONS of weird egg pics!!!! (ok, maybe only 2) LOL!!!!!
actually, they are mostly weird inside, but one had a soft shell and was reallly tiny.
Here's what I collected the other day. The little one is my Wyondotte'so first egg, the second is a normal sized egg and the third is a huge egg from my Black Star. I can't wait to see if it's a double yoke.

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Not too weird, but for new layers I thought it was pretty interesting.

Ghost laid a jumbo rippled egg this morning (it's kind of hard to explain but I candled it and near the bottom it's ripply like it was surged, or just a weak spot in the shell), the egg next to it is from 2 days ago.

On the left is an egg from Brownie (golden sex link) the other day, right is from Orpi (buff orpington) today, both are pretty small, the right one is a semi odd shape

This picture reminds me of my hatching season earlier this summer. I put some eggs in a pulp carton that I thought were quitters in the room I hatch in so the room was quite warm. After sitting there for a couple of days I went in and didn't really pay attention but then I heard peeping coming from the carton, a couple of eggs had hatched and a couple more were zipped and trying to hatch. I put them in the hatcher and they hatched the rest of the way. I did mist the eggs. What a surprise!!!.

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