WEIRD or ODD Eggs pics!!!! :)

My bielefelder, a brown egg layer, laid this egg, its her first. You may not be able to see from the picture, but its a light brown color then covered in a thin white "shell" with white spots.
Not sure what causes it. I have had a few eggs over the years that were very similar. Will have to research it.
I have to share this "egg" we recently got from one of our girls. It came from either a Barred Rock or a Red Sex Link. This is not a first egg. One of our Barred Rocks is over 4 years old and the other is 2 years old. The Reds are 3'years old. Anyone ever see this before?


I have to share this "egg" we recently got from one of our girls. It came from either a Barred Rock or a Red Sex Link. This is not a first egg. One of our Barred Rocks is over 4 years old and the other is 2 years old. The Reds are 3'years old. Anyone ever see this before?



It's a lash egg
What does that mean? I've never seen this before.

Never mind I googled it. I wish I could figure out which girl laid it but that's almost impossible.
I guess time will have to tell me.
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Which end down ?! The right end is narrowest but left end pointyest
I get some once in awhile. I don't think it really matters. I have accidentally put an egg pointy side up in my incubator and the chick still hatched and other times even though I put the pointy end down the chick pipped the pointy end which is rare but has happened..

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