Weird red scar on Pekin duck's beak


Jul 22, 2023
Hi I have two Pekin and one Magpie..they both four months now....The Pekin's beak have this weird scar and I don't know where it's coming from....I guess he accidentally broke a piece of his beak or something...this scar is getting red then he's washing it and the redness of scar disappear and again it turns red after some time...I'm so scared...does it a infection or something? They also both losing some feathers but it's like they are replacing their feathers with new ones Idk..they also don't like the food that I'm giving them since they were little ducklings....but they are eating plenty of zucchinis and rice so idk if it's related or not..can u guys help me tnq
Looks like a piece of bill broke off in that corner.. his eye also looks unwell. Rice and zucchini is not giving him the nutrients he needs to be healthy , to be able to heal well, and to fight off diseases .
What was the food you were giving him when he was little that you say he doesn’t like?
As far as losing feathers and growing new ones, that’s normal at his age he’s going through his first molt.
Does he have buckets of clean water deep enough to dunk his whole head into and keep his eyes clean? Ducks need that.

I would use a saline rinse to clean his bill wound and also to rinse his eyes gently . Then I would put a little an antibiotic ointment on the corner of the bill . Do not use the kind that has pain relief. Only the regular kind . You’ll have to reapply it often at least a few times a day .
The edge looks sharp where the bill is broken and would benefit from veterinary care if possible.
Edit to add:
He needs to be on a healthy diet of a food formulated for ducks, or an All flock feed, I don’t know what’s available where you live? Are you in the states?
Tnx for ur reply...the food was smashed pellet that has lots of vitamins that formulated for ducks I ordered it online(the labels are saying that LoL)and I didn't know that they need a bucket that can dunk their whole head into that...I thought they just need to clean their nose..tnx a lot for this great you think the broken piece is going to be OK after these treatments? Or I should visit a doctor for that?
Let's ask @ruthhope she has ducks with disabilites and Ill also tag @Miss Lydia and see what they say.
They clean their eyes in the water too thats why it needs to be deep enough. duck might be fine with the hole as he/she grows but the little hooked looking edge part could be an issue if its sharp? can you feel if its sharp and cutting her ? I think if it is that it could be sanded down but if it were me Id want to vet to do that if possible if I could afford.

Re Nutrition;
Duck feed is great for ducks but why are the pellets 'smashed' maybe they dont like it bcuz its too powdery?
all flock pellets are good I feed my ducks chickens and geese the same nutrena all flock pellets and they all like it.
if you have females they need more calcium starting around 5 months age when they begin to lay eggs , I set out a dish of crushed oyster shells near their food and they eat some as needed. somehow they just know how much they need. but the males wont eat it.
ducks also need grit , they can get it from dirt and sand but its good to set out another side dish, of crushed granite" grit " for them as well. they dont have teeth so they need the grit to help break down their food.
If that piece that’s broken gets caught on something it could make it worse I think have a vet use something like a Dremel to smooth it down would be best. I had a bantam Cochin that’s too beak would over grow so I used my dogs dremel nail thing to work on her beak.
Tnx a lot for ur help...Yeah it's sharp and unfortunately in my country there isn't a vet for ducks(only for cats,dogs and parrots)and it's a shame...I ordered another pellet but it's too big for them and it fell from their mouth so I smashed it by hand again.and they don't like it again..I didn't know they don't like powdery pellets..maybe I should add some water to the big pellet so they can eat it u think i should let the sharp part be as it is? Or should i sand it down by myself (cause honestly I'm not sure if i could do that) And i found another pellet that is in medium size but i guess it's for chickens..Do u think with adding additional niacin to this pellet it's OK for them? Cause I tested it and they liked this pellet a lot! And How much a grown duck approximately should eat in grams per day?
If that piece that’s broken gets caught on something it could make it worse I think have a vet use something like a Dremel to smooth it down would be best. I had a bantam Cochin that’s too beak would over grow so I used my dogs dremel nail thing to work on her beak.
Tnx.. but again we don't have a vet for ducks in my country so i should do this by myself I guess
I really don’t know if you could sand it down you could try just a little at a time to make sure she’s tolerating you working on her and it doesn’t make it worse. My only worry is they stick their bills under and in so many places foraging she may catch it on something. If you decide to try wrap her In a towel it makes it a lot easier to work on them and keeps them calmer.

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