Weird thing happened today

Yeah. We had that conversation with them yesterday. I know the 4 yo gets it, I guess we'll see if the 2 yo does. One of the creepiest things was that I wasn't able to hear the doorbell or knocking while I was downstairs, and it never occurred to me that he would open the door for someone. That may sound naive, but I guess we've never been faced with that situation before.
Buster we had something similar happen - three guys showed up at the door looking for their girlfriend - pounding on the door like cops would!!! Ken opened the door and they got one look at him and started backin up. He had them backed up halfway down the walk way!!!

Thank goodness for your dogs daughter - Ginja is very sharp - like her mom no doubt, I don't worry anymore when my hubby is out of town or called out to a fire or anything, Ginja even lets me know when the trash truck is on the way up the driveway!

(Mind you, a plastic bag blew into the yard the other day, and Ginja went NUTS, I didn't know what she was barking at so I let her out, back yard with the chickens, and she ran straight to the bag...LOL)
I guarantee you if Tess was home when the guy knocked on the door, he wouldn't have set foot in the house until I answered it. I also guarantee that I would have known he was there long before he knocked if she had been there too.
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Yeah. We had that conversation with them yesterday. I know the 4 yo gets it, I guess we'll see if the 2 yo does. One of the creepiest things was that I wasn't able to hear the doorbell or knocking while I was downstairs, and it never occurred to me that he would open the door for someone. That may sound naive, but I guess we've never been faced with that situation before.

OMG! Jared thats horrible!

With situations these days, burglaries, kids being taken - ugh - thats terrifying. Might I suggest in addition to having that talk repeatedly with both children - to 1. lock your screen door just in case so that no one can open it (if you have one). 2. Get a bar closure to go over your door. It works like those chains we grew up with (the ones that slide) but.. the BAR works MUCH BETTER and cannot be undone. Chains can be undone easily. My mom didnt believe me and she had one. I opened the door with my key, then opened it 2 inches and used both my fingers and a wire to unhook the chain.
She now has the security bar and it cannot be undone, ever (unless they bust the door down) its made of steel and is about 1/2 an inch thick on the bar alone.

I would have told him to leave immediately and asked him what in the hell is he doing IN my house?!

On a side note - I was in Lowes yesterday and found SOLAR LED motion security lights - came 2 in a pack for about $50.00. They use 1.5 watts only - and for the year, less than 60 watts!! I am getting some for my front yard because apparently Thursday night someone came onto my property right in front of my house and cut down my lilac bushs - all 7 of them!
Clean cuts - snippers on an angle so it wasnt an animal - and I am so mad I could spit fire. Who would do such a thing is beyond me - but now I have to worry because we dont have a dog any longer and its pitch black out here - plus a few weeks ago as I told you someone tried our side door at 3:30 in the morning and 2 days later, the neighbors said the same thing happend at their house.

Yep - security lights are going up. Its not even safe out in the country now.. and thats one of the reasons we moved from the city was to be safer.
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I've had very strange shady characters stop by the house 'selling' this or that.... but they really looked like they were casing the house. You never know these days... go with your gut feeling.
I am not trying to be funny here, but the joke that this comes from was when it was sent to me. The best "Redneck Security System" is to have a HUGE pair of men's work boots (old is fine, just not to the point where no one would wear them, or be able too), a HUGE dog bowl, and I think it might have been some empty shot gun shells in a box or something like that, that you kept by your back and front door . . .or where ever people would come too the most . . .alert the local law and change the locks. . .and get a mean dog. We have Crazy Lucy (she is, can't help it, got her head sort of run over three years ago; I call her our $500 free dog) and Onyx (10#'s of pure terror, or so he sounds like) and everyone is leery of even getting out of their car. CL needs a little discipline, she does not get back too good, but I would rather have that and then have her get all lovey-dovey with the stranger after she sees we are o.k. with them, than the other way around. Good luck . . .can't trust anyone these days. Sad but true.

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