Weird things only poultry people get.

I have an Americana, and people are like, wait, what? How does she lay BLUE eggs? And when I explain, they stare at me blankly.
I wANT an easter egger REALLY badly. I've also had my friends, who have their own chickens, not believe me when I said that our leghorn would lay white eggs. I think that she thought that I thought that ALL white chickens lay white eggs. But nope! I know my stuff, and she will lay beautiful white eggs.
Anyone ever had people worried because they've seen their chickens eating small rocks, or lying on the floor dead (d-u-s-t b-a-t-h-i-n-g) or even because they have a weird lump on their backs (oil gland)
Or has anyone HAD those worries 😂
It's been so long since I got chickens I don't remember worrying about it, but I probably did.
I thought it was scary when my week-old chicks were dust-bathing in the shavings. But when I found the oil gland, I thought it was cool!
Anyone ever had people worried because they've seen their chickens eating small rocks, or lying on the floor dead (d-u-s-t b-a-t-h-i-n-g) or even because they have a weird lump on their backs (oil gland)
Or has anyone HAD those worries 😂
It's been so long since I got chickens I don't remember worrying about it, but I probably did.
I have had many people think they were dead and I was scared they had a something growing outta them when I first discovered the oil gland:oops:
I’ve had an adult ask me if a chick (day old) was gonna peck they and they were scared to hold it because they thought it could hurt them.
Oh, so many people.
Even when I held it the other way so they could stroke the back of their neck without seeing the beak.

I actually had someone the other day ask what the feet were reffered to as. "Hands?" "Uhhh, claws"

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