Weird yawning thing!

Wait a second....I posed the same concern to Chickendr Peter Brown, after I had purchased the dewormer from him. I told him I was afraid to use it and didn't want to poison anyone. He told me to wait three weeks, and then resume eating the eggs. Gave me the same warning about not being approved, etc, and then said, and I quote: " I have been selling it for fifteen years, and have never had anyone tell me they experienced any problems". I had to use something more than DE because we had a necropsy done on one of ours, she had several types, except roundworm, which we had previously dewormed for. Because our flock has been exposed to TB, we were told by the State vet to get them as healthy as possible, and deworming was one of the things he recommended. He did not say what to use in his recommendation. ALSO...we have dewormed with Piperazine before (just once)...and ate the eggs two weeks later. No ill effects. I don't recall seeing a warning on the bottle we purchased re consumption of eggs. There are a lot of products recommended for poultry on the market for various things...then you read the small print about the egg issue. For one thing it's a the manufacturer. Originally I was horrified when I found this out...then I found by researching that a lot of people use the products anyway. I'm a firm believer in holistic treatment, but sometimes you have to resort to other things.
Oh, also, we use DE too. I asked Peter Brown if we should use both DE and dewormer at the same time. He said no, to use the DE up first, then when it is gone to administer the dewormer. This is the first time I have tried DE, and I do know it seems to work wonders for mites, lice and fleas! It is expensive though unless you can buy it in bulk.
I noticed on e of mine doing this just now after its first night in the coop....
Do they gape their beaks open and stretch their necks out? It may just be feathers in their ears-- seriously. I have an African Grey Parrot & she makes that movement when she has little head feathers tickling her ear hole. I wondered what in the world she was doing, as it looked really freaky & after some research, that's what I found out ti was.
I've had her since 1992... and she does not have worms.
Well, all I can say is that the information I quoted came from his website. It wasn't a question I asked, it was a response to someone else.

Everyone has to make up their own mind about this issue. As I mentioned, two of my egg customers do have life-threatening health issues that require them to take prescription drugs every day to stay alive. Since I have no idea if any drug residue could effect their health, I have chosen not to use these products.

I have found that warnings are usually printed in such small lettering, that they are very hard to find. Sometimes the warnings are not listed on internet catalogues. If you look at a supplier's paper catalogue, you may see the warnings in red or yellow ink or highlighted. Most products have been designed for use on cattle, swine, and horses. If a product has a withdrawal period before slaughter, I don't use them either.

That is why I said....
As I mentioned, Food Grade DE is available locally for $15 for 50 pounds. Because I live in an agricultural region, I don't purchase these types of items online. In fact, whenever possible, I would rather purchase locally.


if edited, probably for typos...
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Hi all. I was reading this thread which came up when I searched 'Gape'. My Ameraucana is doing the same thing with the yawning. She's doing it now for 2 days and tonight I noticed her kind of twisting her neck a little. When I watched her drink it sure seemed like she was trying to clear something from her pipe. She sort of swallowed and turned her head at the same time. Very strange. I was hoping a feather or piece of hay maybe was just stuck in there but I'm not sure. I did peek in but I didn't have a flashlight with me so I couldn't see down very far. I'm curious to see how you guys are doing with your 'yawners'. If it is Gape Worm and it is attached to the trachea, what 'natural' remedy would you choose to fight it?
DE is not going to cure an active case of gape worm... they used to remove them manually from the trachea but this will have to be done repeatedly and in all honesty the gapeworms will eventually win the battle.
Thank you dlh. I am picking up Panacur tomorrow. I really don't want to wait too long to see if this just goes away. I also read replies from you and Wes on the other forum under Disease & Cures/Gape worm, so I have the info on dosage.

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