Welcome to my pond - Swim, wade, or sit on the bank

Good evening pond pals :frowI just finished the tough side of a Tbone steak . It was just awful all I could at it :lauDW and me went grocery shopping today together . I can't remember the last time we did that. Poor thing was in sticker shock all day . I had been telling her that some things hah gone up as much as fifty percent in just the last six months. :eek:A pounds of name brand bacon is almost six dollar a pound :barnieBen likes Fritos chips . I buy them at Kroger's in the snack size bags they were two for a dollar . Now hey are two for dollar fifty. I always cruise the meat counters looking for a deal. You know the ones sell or freeze by today. Picked up a couple of nice T bones today . :celebrateStorms blew through just before dark, loaded the grill with lump charcoal . Couldn't find the lighter fluid , couldn't find my turbo torch :hit Cheap alcohol the dollar general a bottle worked great . There was no way I wasn't to grill them steaks . I was about ready to haul my cutting torch up when I thought about using alcohol:thumbsup . Worked so good I may never use charcoal lighter fluid again :lau
My lily pad is wet. :rant Has that kid been here ? Good morning, Pond.

Um, 'Al', that's a good thing - the ice has all melted. :oops:
Who let the pugs out :lau

Oh..... huh.... guess it has. :idunno
Mud racing :cool:

Seriously... she was flat on the ground, couldn't lift her head. She kind of reminded me of our goat that ate oleanders and died - so I wonder if she got a hold of some of E's wood treatment. Didn't seem like paralysis or any of the other lovely chicken stuff I've seen. So odd. Cautious optimism, cautious optimism...

Well, I don't quite understand how, BUT, we still don't have power (70+hours) yet our internet just came on?!?!?! We had roughly one hour of power back Saturday morning then everything went, everything. We still have no power, no cell service and no landline but the internet service is back. Didn't even know that was possible. There are still lines on the ground everywhere. We were finally able to get down the road to see the extent of the damage. It's so bad the national guard is stationed down the road at the building where we had DH's birthday party passing out water and free meals for folks. The damage is just unbelievable but praise God no one lost their lives in the storm. (There have been many hurt in the cleanup effort including one lineman who broke his back when he was knocked to the ground by a limb when trying to clear a pole as well as a couple other serious accidents) It's sad. It will be a generation before the area looks "normal" again. We were told to expect our power to not return for potentially a week or more (other areas are being told potentially a month or more because of the severity of damage to the electrical grid) but maybe the internet returning is a sign??? :fl I NEED A SHOWER!!!!
Your alright I wondered .:hugsI thought you were set with generators ? Bad Ice storm in 93 made me know I just can't go without lights and a phone . The ice took out miles of old power lines . but the phone lines stated up. It is dangerous out there you stay home .We don't care you need a bath can't smell you from here nohow:gig

I'm a fast reader. :lol:
I sped read that as a fast breeder :lau It's the meds :gig:gig

I never left :confused::lau

You really got to have a sense of humor . and they didn't lose then paint :)

I'm too far behind to catch up. :oops:

I've been wondering how you've been doing?
appx 80 down.... still working on my walking.... Very short of breath right now...

But I am now managing full bariatric... I got to eat stuffed grape leaves and Crab salad today... with hearts of palm... Gotto love the salad bar at Sprouts.

One salad lasted me three meals....

Well, I don't quite understand how, BUT, we still don't have power (70+hours) yet our internet just came on?!?!?! We had roughly one hour of power back Saturday morning then everything went, everything. We still have no power, no cell service and no landline but the internet service is back. Didn't even know that was possible. There are still lines on the ground everywhere. We were finally able to get down the road to see the extent of the damage. It's so bad the national guard is stationed down the road at the building where we had DH's birthday party passing out water and free meals for folks. The damage is just unbelievable but praise God no one lost their lives in the storm. (There have been many hurt in the cleanup effort including one lineman who broke his back when he was knocked to the ground by a limb when trying to clear a pole as well as a couple other serious accidents) It's sad. It will be a generation before the area looks "normal" again. We were told to expect our power to not return for potentially a week or more (other areas are being told potentially a month or more because of the severity of damage to the electrical grid) but maybe the internet returning is a sign??? :fl I NEED A SHOWER!!!!
Chicki, you are in my prayers. I guess a quick flight to Redding CA for a shower is out of the question? Times like these are definitely when I wish we all weren't spread so far across the globe! :hugs
appx 80 down.... still working on my walking.... Very short of breath right now...

But I am now managing full bariatric... I got to eat stuffed grape leaves and Crab salad today... with hearts of palm... Gotto love the salad bar at Sprouts.

One salad lasted me three meals....

Such great news!
IS the shortness if breath connected to lung issues? If not, don't worry about it; lung/heart function during exercise is tricky. Every single time I run, I breathe like I'm dying for a while until the physiological shift hapoens when my body transfers over into more economic oxygen usage. The older I get, the longer it seems to take. Fun.
Vote just passed today...... to fire tenured professors.


We won't know if spouse gets cut for maybe a month... but if yes... I think our health insurance immediately stops. Not clear.

I have savings... but only enough savings and income to float us all for a year???? :idunno

Unless we move.... then I could cover everything. Well.... still no health coverage.

Such great news!
IS the shortness if breath connected to lung issues? If not, don't worry about it; lung/heart function during exercise is tricky. Every single time I run, I breathe like I'm dying for a while until the physiological shift hapoens when my body transfers over into more economic oxygen usage. The older I get, the longer it seems to take. Fun.

I dont have enough breath to take me from the bedroom to the dining room. I see my cardiologist in a few weeks and I will discuss it with her.

It seems the more I loose the worse my breathing gets. I was never a runner but I was a walker... Now that my diet is including fruits and vegitables I am hoping my energy will come up. When I went to the ER for Dehydration the ER doc recommended using the little bottles of water instead of gallon jugs. One bottle is two servings of water and I am supposed to drink six per day minimum.

doesnt seem like much but when Your stommach can only hold seven ounces it gets overwhelmed if i drink more than three at a time.

so I am learning how to sustain myself again... All good but Way different. I am happy to say the things that taste good to me still taste good.... On the other hand I have to remind myself to eat because I am not hungry any more.

Awwww, thank you Orr but at this point I don't think they would let anyone sit next to me on the plane! :oops: :lol:

Morning Ponders!
Don't you just love the distant sound of generators and chainsaws in the morning???? And the smell of campfires and bbqs as folks prep for breakfast. If you get near the lake where there are lots of homes there are so many forced to do all their cooking outside it looks like there is one huge forest fire surrounding the water! Fortunately, we have a propane stove and a full 500 gallon tank (we just got our summer fill in early June). Silly lake folk. Bet they will be rethinking all that nice handy electric stuff now. Sounds like someone has managed to bring in the heavy equipment needed to get the huge old growth trees off the houses. We can hear a lot of loud banging around off in the distance.

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