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Oh my had not pulled it up before :lau byc laugh off chair.gif
Al, That's just horrid! My unsolicited advice...

1.) No bridezilla or Sisterzilla can tell people who are not in the wedding party what they can wear. Period.

2.) Your sis & niece 'think' that they are planning a formal wedding. You stating (the seemingly obvious) fact that peasant dresses today are casual is totally crashing her delusions & making you seem like a hater. For the record, I'm on your side. This whole idea is a bad one & there will be tears... Best the reality check comes from a person who loves them rather than 120 people who don't show up or don't stay.

3.) Look up Romanian weddings so that you know what page your sis is reading from.

4.) Explain that the idea is a fun & great one, but not a realistic one for modern day, diurnal humans. Recommend the best of both worlds. Have the bride have a big wedding with the Spanish lace. Then next year have a renewal of vows, Romanian style with the peasant dress & a small group of their quirky, nocturnal friends. (renewing vows is fun. DH & I have married each other in completely different settings 4x. Its a blast!) If this idea doesn't work, recommend a destination wedding. Maybe in Romania. This way their feelings wont be hurt when only a couple of people show up.

5.) No matter what happens, get us a picture of this red wedding dress.

6.) DH has a guile suit if you need to borrow it.
7.) Last, but not least, stand your ground with #1. :old
Al, That's just horrid! My unsolicited advice...

1.) No bridezilla or Sisterzilla can tell people who are not in the wedding party what they can wear. Period.

2.) Your sis & niece 'think' that they are planning a formal wedding. You stating (the seemingly obvious) fact that peasant dresses today are casual is totally crashing her delusions & making you seem like a hater. For the record, I'm on your side. This whole idea is a bad one & there will be tears... Best the reality check comes from a person who loves them rather than 120 people who don't show up or don't stay.

3.) Look up Romanian weddings so that you know what page your sis is reading from.

4.) Explain that the idea is a fun & great one, but not a realistic one for modern day, diurnal humans. Recommend the best of both worlds. Have the bride have a big wedding with the Spanish lace. Then next year have a renewal of vows, Romanian style with the peasant dress & a small group of their quirky, nocturnal friends. (renewing vows is fun. DH & I have married each other in completely different settings 4x. Its a blast!) If this idea doesn't work, recommend a destination wedding. Maybe in Romania. This way their feelings wont be hurt when only a couple of people show up.

5.) No matter what happens, get us a picture of this red wedding dress.

6.) DH has a guile suit if you need to borrow it.
7.) Last, but not least, stand your ground with #1. :old

I am so glad you took the time to type all of that in (and read all of my rant), it is nice to know you agree with my "WHAT are they thinking?" I TOTALLY agree with your suggestions, but I do not think my sis has any sense left.

Because I thought I thought up a way to clear up stuff... I sent her the link to a page that lists all of the different formality levels, with pictures no less... and I told her to just tell me which level the wedding was supposed to be. (It went from casual, dressy casual, all of the way to white tie), and she was all "not tails, not a tux, but suits" and I tried to explain that there was too much range there for me... could she just use the page I sent her? Because sport coat with jeans is suit like, and a suit made of blaze orange camo is a suit, and a super fancy tailored suit is a suit.... and without a label... from the page I sent her.... the female of the party has no idea if "summery knee length" dress or "floor length sequins" dress is being asked for..

Could she PLEASE just use the page? It has pictures!!!!


(For the curious, the pages I sent her,

https://www.thetrendspotter.net/womens-dress-codes/#Black_Tie )

Guess I have to vote stay home really piss her off but just my humble ****ing opinion

Yeah... I am thinking that is going to be the least painful.

NO ONE in my immediate family is interested in going to a wedding that runs from 10am to 4 am.... and this is all crazy.
NO ONE in my immediate family is interested in going to a wedding that runs from 10am to 4 am....

Not one living soul on the planet is in interested in doing that (sans maybe the brides BFF.) Going to normal 3hr weddings/receptions is torture. THAT is cruel & unusual punishment.
Al, the part about "If the bride is wearing red, does that mean we cant wear red?" has hit me funny & I cant stop laughing about it. :lau:gig I look like an idiot randomly smiling & giggling to myself. :lau
Well yeah...totally!

I had a new idea... I CAN HIRE ACTORS!!! :lau

Turns out you can hire people for as little as 15 bucks an hour... way less money than the airfare, I can hire an entire set! :lau :gig Maybe I should skip the drag queens... :lau
Not one living soul on the planet is in interested in doing that (sans maybe the brides BFF.) Going to normal 3hr weddings/receptions is torture. THAT is cruel & unusual punishment.
Try a double Catholic wedding done in Spanish and English!

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