Welcome to my pond - Swim, wade, or sit on the bank

Weekend part two.

Ok My truck is now fixed enough so that I can drive it to get fuel added. It sat for two years since my cancer surgery. And why the batteries had not only gone dead but wouldnt hold a charge. New batteries fixed it. At the time I only drove it long enough to get the tires round again.

So this weekend I needed to unload the back of the truck. which was a 110 or more gallon Stock tank for my dux project when I get home. Garage sale purchase and Yep they brought it over and put it on my truck. Along with a work light... Big heavy thing but I couldnt pass up the price. So Got the work light off and into the Small trailer with the Riding lawn mower in it. Which also has been sitting for two years un-started. SIGH.

Last to have to come off was the stock tank. Which over the last few months has filled with Rainwater up about a foot deep. I figured I could use a tie down strap with the ratched to slide it far enough to tip it off the truck Both Dumping the water out and getting the tank off and moved to the Gravel in the front yard.

The winch worked for a while but the flat rope began to slide down on the tank. A neighbor asked why I didn't run the hose in and siphon off the water. I said I wanted to do it this way. Being hard headed is one of my traits. Focusing on an intended job to the Nth degree is another. I do have some qualities of a person with Asberger's some times.

The strap came off just as the tank was about six inches over the edge of the truck bed... I moved my walker closer and set it on the ground by the end of the truck bed. I got up and found I could move the tank back and forth working forward. Till I thought I was getting close to the center of gravity. The plan was to step to the side when doing the last shove and be out of the way when it tipped over.

I pulled it one more time to the side and was standing right in front of the tank and between the tank and the Trailer. I neglected to allow for the live weight of the water that moved forward in the tank. It caused the tank to tip and I couldn't hold it as all the water moved toward me.

I went down and the tank went down on top of me landing between my legs and shoving me up against the angle iron of the trailer. the edge of the tank pinned my foot namely my big toe to the ground. Flip flops was another bad idea. The next door neighbors rushed over to help. One guy rolled the tank to the side to free my toe the other guy got the tank up so I could get my other leg out and under me. The gal got the walker out from under me which I didn't realize had probably taken the brunt of the weight of the tank. under carriage is all bent up.

So Water tank off. I am soaked with the nasty water. Toe has a big scrape but its not broken... I have a big scrape on the side of my hand and My son says I have a big scrape on my back. it feels like a flap a of skin but it just swollen.

Banged up Embarrassed and mad again. On my feet I can walk... Sat on my bent up walker and cried again. By the way this crying thing is very new for me. Part of my therapy has been identifying that I don't cry... I keep it all in... this is good.

I was able to get into the truck now and drive it to the gas station. Fifteen gallons or fifty dollars worth got me up to half a tank. The tank is 35 gallons. Gas tank filler is only held in place by the Gas cap so I almost lost it down into the tank. Next project. Been that way for several years now.

So Now I have the truck in the driveway and the Camry in front of the little trailer. Project for today is to unload the truck and get the tools packed into fifty gallon totes. With wheels and lids. There are a boat load of things in there. and I am afraid three totes arent going to be enough. There is also a bagster in there some where Because Cleaning this house and garage out is going to be one of the next projects.

Seems I will be doing all the work. Son has been battling asthma and dust is a big issue with him.

Boredom certainly won't be a problem for the foreseeable future :)
Gotta let someone in perchie cannot do it alone
I am trying... Cant let one in if no one shows up in the first place. The only place I know to meet people is in a bar and in church... Not a church goer and bar going is not on my play book any more...

I so do not let no one in. I just find out they are all shiny on the outside and tarnished on the intereior.

so please dont lecture me about not letting any one in...

Deb if it is meant to be it will. you just keep after your goals .Sad to think that bars and church were all you had to work with . At least down here we had family reunions to fall back on . I just barely missed having to marry a cousin. :lau I married my SILs little sister . Boy was she pissed .:confused:Said I was a womanizer ;)
You said you have a new friend you met.. Well may be the time you could get help packing or moving is more what I meant
I have a friend neighbor down the street. Hes a very busy person.

The new friend that I met at Lowes Has MS. Not going to be asking for his help.

I may hire someone when it comes closer to moving time.

I have to be able to do it alone. just in case. and I need to be stronger and more cognizant of what I am doing. You see Penny i have no friends. not even casual ones. Mom has none as well. I cant ask my son because he has asthma and the things I need help with are way too dusty.

I dont go to church because I dont know anyone who goes to the ones I might be interested in. Nor do I belong to any organizations of any kind... Except BYC.

Being house bound for twelve years has cut all the ties that I had. and just about killed my social skills.

and apparently other skills as well.

Colbalt drill bits split tip. Only bit for metal . I was use them to drill through heavy steel .I have a drill doctor. Could not live without it .You got it all right .Stress relief is what you make it .
If he hadn't been so condescending I would have looked closer.... I prefer the split tip as well. They cut straighter. I used to be able to make a split tip out of a dull drill. Have to have a fresh grinder. or a recently dressed grinder.

O mann i just got a lecture from my mom..... I am going to go take a shower and go to bed.


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