Welcome to my pond - Swim, wade, or sit on the bank

Mercy! No way could I afford to live there.
It hasnt been below three dollars a gallon in a very long time. I think last summer it was up around 3.75 .

Nope its crazy. If you took a look at the signage above the pumps they break down the added on cost. Which runs about 45 cents per gallon of '"Fees" on top of the price.

Sticker shock for me is filling up my Diesel. 35 gallons of diesel that was going for around 4.00 a gallon. Thank goodness my Truck sips fuel.

But yeah Once I get up on the mountain there will be only planned trips to El Cajon Which is a sixty mile trip. Still getting 20 miles to the gallon.

I was a horrid child.... so far my kids have been good...no idea why..

But now that I have a "driving child" I keep waiting for something horrid to happen...

I just keep remembering all the stuff I did as a kid. :oops: :fl
So maybe your boys are just like a quiet valvano. Not even a rumble then total chaos :lau Rotten chrildren make good parents.your kids sound exceptional.
Hardest thing that I ever did as a parent was to allow my kids to drive out the driveway on their own. :oops: Apparently my Guardian Angels watched over them.
Wife bought them visor clip angels.Don't Didn't worry about my son at all.The boy was driving on the farm at twelve.Daughter is so timid .Worry about her .At ten she could use the booster charger to jump start her gocart .Which she turned over and broke her arm.I still worry about her .
Adventures with a Flat tire... and Covid 19

OK LONG Story:

Breakfast didn't set well with me and by the time I got home I was feeling pretty pekid. Today was my day to take mom to Jenny Craig for her food. My stomach didn't settle and I had my son call to find out what time her new appointment was.

An Odd answering message sprang up but no mom. He tried about five times. Same odd message. when we got home there was a message on the answering machine from A cousin up North. Saying that a power transformer was knocked out and moms power was out.

I was still feeling Anxious and Pekid and asked my son if he could take her. I got the "Look" I said Ok I am going to take her. I staggered out to the car lined up an old soft drink cup to puke in just in case. He came out and tried to talk me out of going. I was tired and more anxious and Tired of seeing his attitude.

No I am going I said. I left him in the driveway. planned on taking the quickest least traffic rout to moms house. I turned on to the bridge that goes over a lake and Slammed into the Center Curb... Tire was instantly flat... Crap.

I drove on it till I could turn to a side street and park. i don't have a cell phone. So I had to get my walker out and walked across the street. I got half way up the driveway and a voice from the house says "Hello Can I help you" Camera above the door bell. The door opened and out came a friendly gentleman Probably in his nineties. I told him my predicament and he made the phone call for me. He wore no mask so I was careful not to expose my face.

Son Came in about twenty minutes by then I was back in the car and Bawling. He Called AAA and someone to change the tire out was on his way. Son is not mechanical and now he was pressed into service for mom. He didn't leave till the AAA guy showed up.

Short note car was stolen got it back without a spare tire. Bought a new tire and rim. The only kind they had required special locking lug nuts and a driver.

AAA guy couldn't put the spare on. Lug nuts were gone. So he put the dead tire back on and called a tow truck. He tore the seat off my walker trying to get it back in to the trunk. No biggie on that it was about to go anyway. But now I have only a cane and its not up to my balance issues.

Tow truck driver showed up and asked if I had a way home. No I said I dont have a cell. We cannot allow riders in the truck due to Covid. AAA policy. Again in tears and he went back to call to see if there is an exception. No So Now I was faced with walking back home with a broken walker and no way to contact any one. A good mile or so.

He said then that If I had a mask That Even though it was against policy I could ride in the back seat of the truck. Heavily tinted windows back there. I did one better and put my last pair of blue gloves on. It took three tries to get into the back passenger seat. I finally did it on adrenaline.

He took us (Car and me) to Discount tire. Rolled the Car off and said Bye. and left. We were behind the store. The only option was for me to drive to the Tire inflation line and wait. when I explained the tow truck driver had dropped us off and left. The guy said normally they park them in a spot in the back and you would walk to the front of the store and talk to a service rep. I explained that I couldn't walk. By now I was about the end of my energy and the top of anxiety.

he told me to go ahead and park in the handicapped spot in front and he would tell a service rep to come out. One came out and wrote up the car next to me. I explained that I needed help too. He said there were three more inside ahead of me. I nodded and he left. Again Bawling Sitting in the car with my sun hat on. Sweat running out of my gloves and down my arm.

Another person came out and asked me if I had been helped I said Not yet. All I need is someone To Put the Effing spare Tire on. He left. and out came that first guy . by then I was bawling again. He patted me on the shoulder and asked me if I had bought my tires there. Yep.

So They were still under warranty. So free replacement. And He gave me a new set of lug nuts and wrench adapter. Then he said Stay in your car and drive around to the first bay and we will get you fixed up. You don't even have to get out of the car. Oh I liked him.

He personally put the new tire on and balanced it and double checked the air in my other tires and topped them off. then he put the new tire on and handed me my recipt for the new tire.

Come to find out he was not only a service rep but the Manager of the store. I cant tell you how he brightened up my day. As I was pulling out of the parking lot... My fuel light came on.... WTF... Oh well. tomorrow

glad you survived all that .
After 20 years of daily morphine use. Im going on day 6 of not taking a pain pill. I just stopped. I was up to 6 pills a day. Never became an addict tho. Ive been dealing with suicidal thoughts for 5 months. Im okay but have days where it's hard.
Still seeing Alisha things are okay there.... but i don't see her as much as i would like.... mostly it's divorce stuff. Plus she moved about 20 miles away in with her dad and i think she's worried about what he thinks her not even divorced yet.
This whole lockdown has really been hard. I was already messed up after the winter i had.
I miss my wife..... and some days i just want to die.
Im trying.... but i hate my life....i hate what's become of me. Then this week posits cane in and wiped my flock out.... only MEAN DUCK is left.
He came home all bloody but alive.....
You know there were days we weren't sure that you hadn't done yourself harm.It really isn't the end of the world Phil .Just then end of an era.You really can't expect the world to be perfect with the wave of a magic wand .Sure would be nice but not how it works.Struggle on and look for little bits of happness wherever you can find them.Sorry about your ducks.
Dicided to go to a dermatologist next week .Wife wants me to .Called me and told me to get an appointment. Then sent me a text saying which one to use .After I made the appointment. So I got the wrong one .Dr won't give me more steroid cream .Wants me to put vaseline on my hands ,and ware rubber gloves to bed.I can't find gloves Tried to tell him ones big enough for my hands are impossible to find .They just tare when I try to but them on. Large or extra large don't make a difference.Even leather work gloves that fit good are hard to find .I have stood at glove displays and tried on ever pair that should fit .And leave without gloves.Yep I'm a square peg in a round world :lau
So maybe your boys are just like a quiet valvano. Not even a rumble then total chaos :lau Rotten chrildren make good parents.your kids sound exceptional.
Wife bought them visor clip angels.Don't Didn't worry about my son at all.The boy was driving on the farm at twelve.Daughter is so timid .Worry about her .At ten she could use the booster charger to jump start her gocart .Which she turned over and broke her arm.I still worry about her .
glad you survived all that .
You know there were days we weren't sure that you hadn't done yourself harm.It really isn't the end of the world Phil .Just then end of an era.You really can't expect the world to be perfect with the wave of a magic wand .Sure would be nice but not how it works.Struggle on and look for little bits of happness wherever you can find them.Sorry about your ducks.
This constant being alone is killing me..... at least the snow is going away..... still a couple feet in the woods tho

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