Welcome to my pond - Swim, wade, or sit on the bank

Oh... polling question...

Of all of you folks....

1. Of all of the under 30 men folk that you see, what percentage have long hair

2. Is the long hair a) super groomed hipster, b) messy whatever hippy, c) viking something d) some odd something else I don't know about.

Older grandson - messy whatever hippy, younger grandson - well groomed, definitely not yuppy, grand daughter's significant other - buzz cut.

The good kind!

Something to be said about rural folk - even with the urban immigrants.
What about all of those school kids? Like the highschool kids? :old
Oh yeah... it’s been so long since I’ve seen them, I forgot about them - short hair mostly. Sons and nephews as well. Now that I am actually thinking about it, most males of any age around here are colllar length or shorter. I know one guy in his mid-fifties who has his head completely shaved, except for a scrawny ponytail in the back. Looks silly to me.
Shhh dont tell anyone but I ordered a new chicken enclosure... 8' x 10' and 6' high in the middle. Its getting delivered on Monday. Its supposed to be a dog kennel but I am doing the essentails to protect chickens. Hardware cloth in the right places etc. It has a peaked roof and a tarp to put over that for shade.

Oh and its all welded construction except for where the panels join, and Powdercoated.

An interem enclosure for new birds till I can get the other coop built then it will be an all purpose enclosure for Quarantine or broodies or What evers.

I am planning on moving home in no more than four weeks. I bought the enclosure as a birthday present for me.
Excellent news in the moving, and great birthday present! :clap
Older grandson - messy whatever hippy, younger grandson - well groomed, definitely not yuppy, grand daughter's significant other - buzz cut.
Oh yeah... it’s been so long since I’ve seen them, I forgot about them - short hair mostly. Sons and nephews as well. Now that I am actually thinking about it, most males of any age around here are colllar length or shorter. I know one guy in his mid-fifties who has his head completely shaved, except for a scrawny ponytail in the back. Looks silly to me.


I have a friend over near Boston... he was saying most long hair there was hipster.

Funny... over here long hair is hippy or viking. Seriously? None of the long haired dudes down south have braided hair with silver beads in it?
Morning Pondites crawled from my lilly pad about 7am .. Think rain woke me ...
the town in general here are clean cut folks .. My longest going egg customer had a ponytail nicknamed him the hippie. 2 years ago he dropped close to 100 lbs he is like 6.5 worked in the woods.. Cut his hair almost did not reconize him:gig
Oh... polling question...

Of all of you folks....

1. Of all of the under 30 men folk that you see, what percentage have long hair

2. Is the long hair a) super groomed hipster, b) messy whatever hippy, c) viking something d) some odd something else I don't know about.
The latest has been the man bun. I’ve hated it the past few years, but find I’m adapting.

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