Welcome to my pond - Swim, wade, or sit on the bank

Not much to Peg's story, and not sure if I actually told it all anyways... so here it is...

Our AC took a crap this year so summer was extremely hot in our house and turned it into an oven on the worst days... me being used to how reliable my Genesis Hovabators are, did not put into consideration that the room was topping over 100° many times... due to that, my bator temp had many spikes and that wasn't realized until I was paying closer attention during lockdown for a large batch of Calls... there were 3 pure Snowy eggs in the mix I rescued when my Snowy girl quit setting... most of the eggs hatched fine along with 2 Snowys... Peg was the last egg and needed extra assistance... when moving them to the brooder, it became apparent she was different... she had one perfect leg and web, and 1 that never completely formed... but she was active and very energetic... I showed Shade and said we should put her down... he took one look at her and said, no... can't do it...



So we decided to see if she would adapt well and give her a chance... she did well while they were still little... first to get to the food and water every time I filled it up... as they got bigger, she tended to get lost in the crowd, but refused to give up... so I would hold her while she ate and drank... after they moved outside, I would set her up with her own food and water dishes and she kept up with the group just fine... but about when they fully feathered we noticed that she'd get pushed into a corner at night, so we brought her inside with us at night in a special box... every morning she'd get her own bath and then I'd take her out to her friends and bring her in at night...


Peg's hatchmates...

In August, we arranged to meet WV in Kentucky to bring her some OEGB's and some OEGB and Call eggs... since it was a full day trip, we took Peg in her box with us... she absolutely loved the ride in the car (minus the 2 semi's that almost sideswiped us, lol) and she got to meet WV... needless to say, Peg was adored on sight and she loved WV... now she takes car rides every chance she can and has become our little ambassador Call... she's an awesome judge of character too...




WV raved about meeting Peg so we shared her with everyone else and has collected quite a fan base, lol...


What's up with this one? Looks bruised?
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If I don't have evening feed ready for them when my ducks head into their pen, they scream at me and tug on my pants, lol... she's gorgeous!!! :love

I took a couple pics of the Silvers I got from you last night, will have to post them...
:ya :highfive:
Will see you there!!!!
Over my dead ***... :gig
DAVE!!!!!!! :lau

No, seriously... nice pic, my friend! :)
Want a couple younger pullets too? Got a couple blues in those I'm not gonna keep too...

Dang!!! :(

Shade LOVES Oak Island...

Hey, Rav, if Mel just "happens" to have room to bring surplus pullets back this way, I have room in the coop...
What's up with this one?

2 different ducks, lol... those are the 2 Silvers I got from minihorse when we picked up all the Calls from her... they're super sweet, but shy... they're less outgoing than the other ducks so they tend to get pushed around a bit... and they struggled a lot until I dewormed the heck out of them...
2 different ducks, lol... those are the 2 Silvers I got from minihorse when we picked up all the Calls from her... they're super sweet, but shy... they're less outgoing than the other ducks so they tend to get pushed around a bit... and they struggled a lot until I dewormed the heck out of them...

Oh! well that makes more sense...

They're hard to get good pics of too, lol...



bodies are a little long but that's normal for your less common colored calls like the silvers. The duck in the bottom picture on the right is a little thin bodied but the other is nice and wide. Think of tugboats. Short and fat. That's the body shape you want. Breed the thin bodied one to a nice wide drake. I like the head on the wide one better too. She is overall a nicer duck.

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