Welcome to my pond - Swim, wade, or sit on the bank

I googled and did find some references to it. Most said Mallard female. But that's cool! I don't care for "hen" and "duck" sounds so generic.

My hen came back along with Armand her boyfriend this time. Lol!
my husband would freak out if i rearranged anything! and he wont let me near the tools :oops:
I was a city girl that married a farmer. I learned early on that there are two seasons in a farm wife's life. Those two seasons are: "You're never home" (spring through fall), and "Don't you have someplace else to be?" (Winter). One of the first years we were married, during "Don't you have someplace else to be?" season my dearly beloved started emptying my kitchen cupboards. When asked what he was doing, he said, "I'm rearranging them for you." I didn't say a word, just started putting my coat on. When he asked me where I was going, I said, "I'm going to rearrange your shop." He put my stuff back where he found it and has never messed with my kitchen again.
i liked it way better and hallie berry is awesome in it
so did you watch it??

I have seen it a few times...it is great.

hi and by.... :frow busy day building a workshop um er assembling shelves and organizing... Have to get the Jewelry stuff outside... I hope to build an enclosure around it eventually.


Are your craft things being kicked out? I can't imagine it taking up much space.

And outside? As in garage? Or like an area with zero roof??? :he
I have to apologize for assuming those terms were common knowledge. Of course you don't know them, you never lived in TN! But i bet you know what chooks are! I really do enjoy yapping on here with you folks.
Sure we know what chooks are; Bubbles taught us.

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