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I'll check, but I don't think so. I feel like I would have noticed blood in the hutch if that happened, and I did see him mounting her the other day. I have read that bucks can have a natural period of infertility during the summer, so maybe it was that?
Ok. Oh yeah, there is that, they can go sterile after temps get above 80F
so I think I found a good way to soak duck feet. Poured the Epsom salt water on the towel and put them in here with a fish of water with greens to keep them occupied. . hoping it still doesn't the trick. .with less drinkable salt water ? Ya all think this is a good idea or bad idea?
View attachment 1133321 so I think I found a good way to soak duck feet. Poured the Epsom salt water on the towel and put them in here with a fish of water with greens to keep them occupied. . hoping it still doesn't the trick. .with less drinkable salt water ? Ya all think this is a good idea or bad idea?
I'm new to ducks, remember, but I'd think that would work great!
sorry...haven't kept up....

but howdy all. :Do

The kids got some roosters killed. awesome.

One odd thing...0ne of the old roosters had bad kidneys. One kidney was oddly soft and the other was oddly hard. :confused:

too much calcium from layer feed?

Can they come kill some of mine? :D

My hen that was sitting a clutch including 3 AC eggs, hatched 4 chicks and 3 more to go 2 of the chicks are ACs....:celebrate
Just found em and moved Everyone plus eggs to a large crate in the milk room. It's too dark in there now for pics but I'll get some in the morning.:wee

Ha! Talk about all us with chicks hatching! :p
My first frizzle chick just hatched, pips in the other 3 eggs. Still nothing under the seramas. I'm getting worried...

View attachment 1133321 so I think I found a good way to soak duck feet. Poured the Epsom salt water on the towel and put them in here with a fish of water with greens to keep them occupied. . hoping it still doesn't the trick. .with less drinkable salt water ? Ya all think this is a good idea or bad idea?

Seems like a decent plan to me! This one have bumble?? My Bacardi is limping. badly. I think Jax has decided that he's #1, and is being mean to the other boys, now that all the rest are gone. As beautiful as he is, his little ass better straighten up, or he's leaving too.
I did catch Bacardi, and the foot he is limping on has a couple spots that i hope aren't the start of bumbles. :rolleyes:
Can they come kill some of mine? :D

Ha! Talk about all us with chicks hatching! :p
My first frizzle chick just hatched, pips in the other 3 eggs. Still nothing under the seramas. I'm getting worried...

Seems like a decent plan to me! This one have bumble?? My Bacardi is limping. badly. I think Jax has decided that he's #1, and is being mean to the other boys, now that all the rest are gone. As beautiful as he is, his little ass better straighten up, or he's leaving too.
I did catch Bacardi, and the foot he is limping on has a couple spots that i hope aren't the start of bumbles. :rolleyes:
Yay!!!! I love frizzles! So hope the seramas hatch....:fl
Had 2 momma's sitting but I don't think the one in hub's shed has viable eggs under her. I'll candle em tomorrow and get em out if not and see if she'll take a couple of the chicks from the new momma.... Maybe.

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