Welp hatchery - horror stories? *graphic pics pg2*


It's all about the Dels!
9 Years
10 Years
Jan 24, 2010
Englewood, TN
I ordered 30 bantams (the minimum order #). 20 bantam delaware, 10 buff sebrights.

They sent a email when I placed the order with the hatch date (March 2 - a Tues.) and that was my only warning. I called to check on the second, since they didn't call or email me to make sure I remember or let me know nothing has changed. They said they were boxing them up and taking them to the post office right that moment.

Thursday morning came... 8:30am the PO calls... "you got chicks"... by 9 I was there (Welp didn't send them to my shipping address... they sent them to the BILLING address and that was two towns over).

Now, I'm not driving... I have the chicks. Heater is blasting... I pull the corner of the box back to peek in. One of the chicks that I can see is laying on it's back. I give it a minute to see if it can get up on it's own... nope. So I (while going down the road) open the box and pick that chick up. It is COLD to the touch so I cuddle it in my hand. It was weak and couldn't keep it's head up.

Once home, brooder lamp on... waterer filled... feed in two corners.... count the chicks and check them as I put them in the brooder. ALOT have sores on the backs of their legs, so I'm already worried about infections. I counted out 30. If you never seen baby bantam delawares and baby buff sebrights, you wouldn't know... they are very much alike. So, I wasn't checking breed - just overall number.

Well, still on day one... one chick dies. (not the one from the ride home, either) about 5 or 6 more look like they are starting to get weak too. These chicks eat like they were starving. Incase you weren't following along close enough... the should only be 2 days old (and still living on the yolk). There were about half that already had wing feathers and didn't have their little "horn" on their beak that they break out with. So, I'm thinking... these birds were not just hatched. The box lable says (as required by law) "Hatched at 10am on the shipdate shown" (which would be Tues. the second).

Now, it is the end of Friday. We got credit for 3 chicks because they said we had until 4:30pm Friday (the chicks arrived at 8:30am Thursday) to get our refund. However, we have had 6 die so far, and three more look like they won't make it through the night. And at this rate, I'm not sure it will stop there.

I have been hatching, brooding, and raising chicks long enough and through many different venues to know that a two day old chick does not have it's wings yet and it will still have that little "horn" (as I call it) to break out the shell on it's beak. It's not just one of the breeds (as some may think the bantam Dels grow fast like standards do - nope that isn't it)... it is some of the sebrights, and some of the delawares. It's heartbreaking. I have three chicks right now that I'm trying to feed. They are laying in food and starving. I put the vitamins in the water, got them to drink... but it's hard to convince a extremely weak chick to open it's mouth.

With all that said, is this something any of you all ever experienced with welp? I would just say it is a hard trip they had, but they got here in two days and like I said, some are obviously older... and those are the ones dropping like flies. Tomarrow morning should be day 4 of their lives and we have already refilled the feeder twice. That is how hungery they are. Just for comparison... my other brooder has week old chicks (exactly one week older than these should be) and they are feathered out the same. Now, not all of the welp chicks are feathered... some are the little poofballs they should be... and those are the healthy ones. Ok. I'll post this and just read what you all have to say.
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I just realized in my rambling I forgot to tell you all more about why I mentioned not counting the breeds.

The lady on the phone at Welp said that we should have been shipped more than 30 chicks... that her records show "extras". I said, "no, there are exactly 30 chicks". She didn't seems to believe me.

Well, I went through and started REALLY looking at each one. There were only 9 buff sebrights (at that point all the dead ones were definately delawares). Her "extras" was one extra Delware...but one less sebright.

Also, like I mentioned... the sores. Not all the chicks have them but some have these mysterious....hmmm.... "rug burn" type sores on the backs of their legs. I have never seen that... and no, it doesn't corilate to the dead and dieing.

So, anyways, I wanted to clear that part up. It's late. I'm in Eastern. Forgive me if I seem aloof.
Did you by any chance think to take pictures? Pictures of the box, the chicks and daily pics to send to them. And if you don't get the response you want to post to all of us...
No. although... I can take some right now. I'm not looking for a refund. I'm worried about their practices. I don't squabble over dollars. Its not my way. I'm concerned about the animals.
anything you can document, document. Then they know you are telling the truth. Get those "rug burn" pics too. And the wing feather pics. Offer to email them and ask to send them to the owner or manager. Get names.

I bet they work with you.
OH How horrible! I hope you can pull the rest through!

I ordered from Welp last summer, 25 asst giant cochin pullets and 5 black ckls. All arrived on time happy and healthy. They are lf chicks not bantams and it was summer. There were no extras, but over all I was very happy with them. My birds are beautiful and just started laying.

I have been thinking I may order more lf blue pullets but after this I will not order from them again.
Welps drop ships from 3 or 4 hatchery's (look and see where yours came out of) I ordered from them about 4 or 5 yrs ago called and talked to a real nice lady in Iowa, and my chicks came from Privett Hatchery out of New Mexico, so it's in the 70's in Iowa (that's why I ordered from them) and it's a 100 plus in New Mexico, you already know were this is going over half D.O.A got a refund but will never buy from them again.

This is horrible- Rwoman is right- document and go after it. I bet someone somewhere along the line did something really dumb and Welp needs to know about it, whether it's at their end or the hatchery that shipped.
Well, Steve, I looked up the zip code (that is all I had to go by on the box) and it turns out they did come from NM. They flew in to Mcgee Tyson airport (about thirty minutes from the PO I picked them up at).

And here is some interesting facts I found looking closer at the box... The airports sticker shows that they LEFT "LBB" airport at 7AM 3/3 (that is one day AFTER my shipdate)... then they arrived at TYS (Knoxville airport) at 6:30PM the same day!!!!! I live within a hour of the airport... I could have got them! Then the PO called at 8:30AM on the 4th.

We have had 4 die today. I thought we were out of it, and I come in from working in the yard and another one is stone cold.

I'm writting this, then desinfecting the waters and feeders incase it is something they can catch from each other. I'm using that non-slip stuff you put in kitchen drawers instead of any other bedding... I have already had sebrights before and they are just so tiny I don't like to take chances with them anyways.

I took a few pictures last night and will be posting them in a few minutes... I'll do it after the cleaning... you understand. They didn't come out great because it's hard to get in close to get the details, but I think it will get some of the point across.

And, Steve, I would never order from them again, either.... or I guess Privett too, since they seem to be the dropshiped hatchery. Very sad. It's making me wash my hands ALOT with all my other birds I own. I lost count a long time ago, but it is something upwards of 60 now.... that is alot of lives to worry about if there is a outbreak of something. Personally, I'm still leaning towards them being too old to ship. The whole thing just doesn't add up.
this sounds awful. im curious to what ideas anyone has about some being older and some not. its strange that 1 breed should be older. do you think the older ones were shipped as dayolds to where the youngerones were added to the box ,repackaged , then shipped to you? how would something like that happen? any other ideas? im really interested in what the sores might be. please do post pics, and let us know whats going on.

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