Wesummer laying a blue egg - What gives?

Ban seabhag

10 Years
Nov 28, 2009
Glenn HWY Alaska
I have two welsummer pullets given to me by a friend. One lays the expected dark brown egg, the other, we are quite sure, a pale blue egg. This baffled me at first. My daughter pointed out that Russet's comb is pea type, not like the one you should see on a Welsummer, but in all other respects she looks like every other Welsummer. It seems likely that there is other blood in there, and I have read that the pa comb is linked genetically with blue eggs, but she is really pretty typical of the breed otherwise. Wouldn't she look more like a blue egg breed if that were the case?
Lucky me! Now if my Araucanas would ever lay... I was sure at first that it must be them but they are 4 months old and it's winter... Then my daughter caught her on the nest - more than once - and insisted Russet was the culprit. I just could not believe that Welsummer was laying a blue egg!

You seem to have a EE Wellsummer. Could you post some pics of your EE Well.?

You seem to have a EE Wellsummer. Could you post some pics of your EE Well.?

Thanks, Just found her.

Here she is -

This isn't the best photo I have of her. Her color actually looks a bit darker than this now. She looks exactly like most welsummers I've seen from hatcheries.

She lays a beautiful blue-green egg.

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