Wet grit


Chicken Fan Club President
Premium Feather Member
16 Years
Jan 18, 2008
SE Massachusetts
Okay so I've been kind of occasionally giving the chickens grit but they ran out mayhe a month or two ago but I never replaced it, they didn't really use it anyway. They always have food and oyster shell though. So anyway, the other day when I bought more oyster shell I decided to finally replace the grit, since I know it helps with digestion. Well I just opened my bag and it is wet??? Now I know what people might say, grit is just rocks. It doesn't matter. It will not spoil like feed. Or whatever. I get that. I'm not worried about it spoiling. I just don't get why it would be wet? I got it from Tractor Supply and it was INSIDE. I can understand shavings or something being wet because they are mostly outside but INSIDE THE STORE???? It is Manna Pro 25 pound grit. And also the outside of the bag is not at all wet. But the inside is. And I mean WET, can feel the water, rocks sticking together, condensation in bag wet. Not just a little leak or whatever. Is this normal or common? The other bags I have bought, same kind, have never been wet. Wonder if I could get like a free bag or something :lau but seriously, it is weird. Not that ot matters, their grit has occasionally gotten like that in the rain but it's weird to buy a bag so completely wet. It's still safe to feed, right? Thank you in advance.
It should be ok. Like you said it is just rocks. Just make sure that it is not moldy. That would warrant returning it to the store for sure. Have to wonder if it was raining when it was bagged.
Thanks for the reply! Didn't even think to check for mold. Good point. Didn't see any on first glance but haven't scooped any out yet so will keep an eye out for sure. That could be a possibility, hadnt thought of that either. Or perhaps left outside before loading in. But that wouldn't explain how that much water got inside and none outside. The rain when packing thing makes sense. Weird for sure
Best I could think of is that they had it sitting outside the store for a while, before bringing it in to the sales floor? I see bags of gravel with condensation inside all the time at the big home supply stores even after it hasn't rained for a while, so the surface of the bags are dry but the inside seems wet. But those are obviously left outside until someone buys them.

I would check for any sort of moldy or mossy growth on the grit, like if it's slimy to the touch or discolored, in which case I would think you could return it to the store. Otherwise, like you said, it's just rock so it really can't "spoil."
Okay so I've been kind of occasionally giving the chickens grit but they ran out mayhe a month or two ago but I never replaced it, they didn't really use it anyway. They always have food and oyster shell though. So anyway, the other day when I bought more oyster shell I decided to finally replace the grit, since I know it helps with digestion. Well I just opened my bag and it is wet??? Now I know what people might say, grit is just rocks. It doesn't matter. It will not spoil like feed. Or whatever. I get that. I'm not worried about it spoiling. I just don't get why it would be wet? I got it from Tractor Supply and it was INSIDE. I can understand shavings or something being wet because they are mostly outside but INSIDE THE STORE???? It is Manna Pro 25 pound grit. And also the outside of the bag is not at all wet. But the inside is. And I mean WET, can feel the water, rocks sticking together, condensation in bag wet. Not just a little leak or whatever. Is this normal or common? The other bags I have bought, same kind, have never been wet. Wonder if I could get like a free bag or something :lau but seriously, it is weird. Not that ot matters, their grit has occasionally gotten like that in the rain but it's weird to buy a bag so completely wet. It's still safe to feed, right? Thank you in advance.
I bought the same brand at TSC and I think it was slightly damp but not wet. I keep it on my porch and checked it when I read your post and it was bone dry. GC
Thanks everyone. :) will definitely check for mold though hopefully it's dried out some by now since I opened it. Could be that they left it outside before loading it in or it rained while packaging it, who knows.

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