Wet pox? Any suggestions would be welcome, he’s not well :-(


Crossing the Road
Apr 12, 2021
Sacramento Area, California

All the chickens have been dealing with dry pox and I have a pullet that has lesions in her mouth so I’m assuming she has wet pox. Just a couple days ago, our boy Eevee started sounding crackly and looked to be struggling to breathe and it’s gotten worse each day. He also had very mild dry pox but had no outward signs he was sick until Monday :-( I’m not able to get him to a vet until after Christmas so I’m wondering what I can give him between now and then to help him? I slathered him with VetRx, gave him Nutridrench, and some Tylosin in case there’s also a secondary thing going on. He seems to be struggling to swallow and so he’s not eating or drinking much so I’m going to give him some eggs with Greek yogurt too. Other ideas?
Does he have any yellow material inside his beak or throat? Is there any mucus visible on his tracheal opening? If there is yellow material, does it have a bad odor? Pictures can help. He has rales or crackles which means there is mucus in his airway. If you have Tylosin, it is injectable 50 pr 200, or is it the powder? I would give some, just let me know which type you have.
Does he have any yellow material inside his beak or throat? Is there any mucus visible on his tracheal opening? If there is yellow material, does it have a bad odor? Pictures can help. He has rales or crackles which means there is mucus in his airway. If you have Tylosin, it is injectable 50 pr 200, or is it the powder? I would give some, just let me know which type you have.
I don’t see anything in his throat, but he does cough up some mucus now and then and swallow it back down. He will not hold still for a picture, he’s really difficult and I’m alone so I can’t get a helper till later tonight. The Tylosin is a powder unfortunately, so I mixed up a batch and gave him some thru a syringe because he isn’t all that interested in drinking. I was able to force some eggs in as he wasn’t excited about those either which is unusual. Although after giving him some by hand he’s eating more eagerly on his own. He coughs, shakes his head and breathes like the video—is it possible it’s gapeworm? Is it bad to treat for gapeworm and give antibiotics?
Some photos in your thread last Friday, one had material inside the beak. You mentioned an odor. Has that gone away?
She still has the lesions, but no smell. She’s not doing real great and has the same rales sounds, but doesn’t act like she is having issues breathing. She just seems like she’s not feeling great. The rooster definitely has no smell, I see no lesions, and his poop is normal consistency but a bit green. I gave him some Safeguard and Tylosin and Nutridrench and scrambled eggs with Greek yogurt. He seemed really bad earlier when I sent the first video, but tonight he was definitely less labored and making less noise while breathing. There’s no mucus or runny nose, eyes are clear, and he has a couple of small dry pox spots. He definitely has something in his throat—he stands up and shakes his head a couple three times and sort of sneezes like he’s trying to clear something and then calms down again. It’s very perplexing :-( He’s my very first baby and I hate seeing him so miserable and it happened SO fast. :-(
You have MG in your flock?
Could be a combination of respiratory disease and something else(?) Hard to know really unless vet care is an option.
If there's no improvement after giving correct dosing and duration of dewormer and the Tylosin, then it's a good idea to get some testing to figure it all out.
You have MG in your flock?
Could be a combination of respiratory disease and something else(?) Hard to know really unless vet care is an option.
If there's no improvement after giving correct dosing and duration of dewormer and the Tylosin, then it's a good idea to get some testing to figure it all out.
Yeah, he just went downhill so fast…he was fine on Sunday and then Monday started sounding crackly and Tuesday labored breathing and this morning the progress made seems to have disappeared and he looks worse. His comb is getting dark and I’m guessing he’s just not getting enough oxygen 😢😢 I just can’t afford ER vet care 😢😢
I'm sorry:hugs
So I noticed some red wormy looking things in his poop today. Am I seeing things or could the dewormer be working and killing off some worms? To me it doesn’t look like coccidiosis because the red color is stringy and concentrated…


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