We've decided on Jersey Buff Turkeys! New Pics pg6

I have 8 Porters in my bator now... They didn't do so hot in transit. He packed them impecably but 2 arrived broken (and I don't know if they were broken before shipping because it was an obvious crack). He bubble wraps, then boxes them, then puts them in another box with paper all around... but my mail lady tossed them to me when she delivered the box...

Out of the 8 eggs, about 3 or 4 are developing... the others are clear...
I got the red pencilled palms, the picture really is beautiful of them... I just hope they hatch.
They are due the week of August 11th. I'm really anxious with them because of the shipping.
I have Porter eggs in the incubator too-- they are assorted experimental crosses, can't wait to see them! It's early to tell yet how they're doing but I'll candle in a couple of days--
I'm keeping my fingers crossed!
I have 2 that light and another darker and a bunch of babies from the darker pair. Hatched out some from the light hen, waiting to see how they feather. I actually bought them from a guy who thought they were Bourban reds. Boy was I lucky, when I found out they were buffs I went and bought the other hen..
I agree the site is a little confusing.

I ended up bidding on an eBay auction, and paying more than he charges on his site.

My recommendation is to send an email, ask if he has what you want and then ask for a paypal invoice or at least a total so you can paypal the money right away.

at least that is how I undertand it

I also paid a couple bucks extra for a cool pack

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