What’s wrong with Cricket? 😔

The Phantom

I love birds!!!
6 Years
Jan 9, 2017
SE Wisconsin
My little mandarin duck Cricket is not well. He seemed fine and happy this morning around 10am. I left shortly after to visit my grandpa for the afternoon and came back around 7. I went to give him bath and snuggles at 8 and he was not himself. Usually he is jumping all over me and climbing up my leg and my cloths to perch on my shoulder. Now he just makes his little happy noises and sits there. He calls normal but not acting like it. I gave him a bath and he became water soaked immediately. I dried him off and snuggled him a couple hours. He seems sensitive to his back sorta and is pooping slimy white poop. When he poops it like strings out like a thick white slime. He’s around a week old and on Mazuri water fowl starter and fresh grass at night which he loves. Now he will not touch anything. 😓
Here is a picture of him a few days ago and his poop tonight.
Usually the white poop is a sign of dehydration. Is he drinking plenty? I’d hold off on the grass, and stick to just the regular feed for a bit. But let’s see what the others say.
I Hope he improves. He’s gorgeous!
I stopped grass. When I would give it to him I wood chop it into like 1/8” pieces and mix in his water to mimic duck weed.
Before all this he was eating his normal food great and drinking plenty of water. Now he’s very unstable on his feet. I have him on some antibiotics

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