What a Joke- Update, she got her way . . . pg6#51

Used to be, you whacked them on the head, for the same reason as the seal pups. Damages none of the pelt.

I wonder if the complainer would have liked it better if the rabbits had been screaming and flailing before being slaughtered?
Of course they are. You keep eyeballs in your freezer. If you have any interaction with the police, I have to guess that'd be the only thing anyone would care about
It'd be on the news, forever! After that, it'd be "Saw the eyeball lady getting a speeding ticket. Looks like the cops are keeping an eye on her. They're on the lookout for speeders. When I drove by, she gave me the stink-eye. I still have it around here somewhere."

Gives a whole new meaning to the family gathered around the crib... "Awww, she has your grandmother's eyes."

"Yes... get those out of her mouth."
I agree with you all about the whole rabbit = food thing but you also have to wonder if the way they did it was humane. By that I mean did they whack the rabbits over the head with enough force to kill or knock them out so they didn't suffer or did they just whack them where ever so they had to feel a lot of pain before they died? Also maybe when she said they were doing a ritual or something they were actually doing something bad and demonic. I'm siding with the rest of you guys but you never know
. Though its weird that she didn't report this earlier. Hmm
I think y'all are assuming that those in the news article did things as you would have done them. When I read the article, I saw grounds to question whether that is correct or not. As is often said, there are two opposite stories, and the truth is usually somewhere in between. I found the quote from the pastor truly disturbing, and that in itself makes me question their telling of the story.
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Sorry for the "f" word in the OG title, I thought that was pg13 enough for the internet.

I also think the pastors quote was a little brash, but coulda been taken out of context.

None of us were there, but I can imagine what went down.

Probably this ladies kids didnt have a good time, or she just found out about it and is lookin for a payday.

These retreats have been going on for ages in all different communities, MTV filmed it on that old Ted Nugent show, shoot the boy scouts do it or did they stop because somebodies mommy complained?

I guess they all coulda just sat around inside all day playing videogames or looking at internet porn, like the rest of us do . . .
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whacking a critter on the base of the head is a common practice - and I've done it - it doesnt take that much to knock a small animal senseless if not full out kill it in one blow. Just like any method of death (besides CO2 poisoning that I've seen) the body still twitches and moves some from the nerves - but dead is dead. I think its human, and more so than just slitting the throat or arteries of an animal and letting it slowly drain to death.
Of course they are. You keep eyeballs in your freezer. If you have any interaction with the police, I have to guess that'd be the only thing anyone would care about
It'd be on the news, forever! After that, it'd be "Saw the eyeball lady getting a speeding ticket. Looks like the cops are keeping an eye on her. They're on the lookout for speeders. When I drove by, she gave me the stink-eye. I still have it around here somewhere."

Gives a whole new meaning to the family gathered around the crib... "Awww, she has your grandmother's eyes."

"Yes... get those out of her mouth."


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