what a mess and ive got a purple duccle

Stinking funny, yes sad about the bird but again hilarious!!! Just keep those pics for her wedding day!
How it happened. She thought it was hair spray. It all makes since now.


Totally cute pictures even the purple chick is adorable..........I feel bad for him having to be purple, but at least he wasn't hurt except his pride...........LOL
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Im not so sure. I culled him yesterday. The last day or so hes just been laying down. Weird positioning and watering eyes. Very odd. Im in the process or doubling the coop and currently dont have a sick bay. I couldnt separate him and didnt want any threats to the flock(in case if was contiguous). To do or not to do with the high does of purple I dont know.
AWWWWWWWWWW that's terrible, maybe there was something toxic to chickens in the paint???????? Did you get it all out of your little girls hair?? Poor chicky
The one that got painted didnt last but an hour before i put him down. The purple one didnt have paint but "blue-kote" I dont even know if the two were related. Yeap. olive oil and mayo got her hair clean.

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