What age did your rooster crow?

Sir Samuel Orpington Esq. didnt crow till he was around 5-6 months old...was beggining to wonder if he was ever going to crow at all.
Rudy Valentino, was crowing (Squeaking) at 6 weeks
Rudy is now the proud owner of two fabulous human females who dote over him like a king
No, that isn't possible. ;)

She learned to crow. Some hens even grow spurs. And lots of roosters will sing the egg song. :p

She has gone to the lay box twice for hours but returned having left no egg. If I didn't hang out with her most days, I would assume she was hiding a nest. She is top of the pecking order and currently active. Alas, it's likely something more sinister like internal laying or other reproductive cancer that hasn't fully reared its' ugly head yet. Not too many birds get pet status here, but she is one. If she wasn't such a cool animal and overall good flock mate I'd have processed her already. But for now she lives the cush life (and only crows occasionally). :love
Mine's 8 weeks and not a peep yet:clap
I just caught this little silkie crowing a few days ago at 5 weeks and 5 days old (sorry he looks a little nervous, he wasn't thrilled about being taken away from his siblings for pictures). :lol:


He crowed about 4 times then stopped and I haven't heard him do it again since. I've had a bantam easter egger that started off and on at 3-4 weeks and I had another silkie start at just around a week old before. Usually my early crowers do it very rarely and don't start doing it regularly until around 3-4 months old. :D
True, true butt whippings doled out by old biddies are a great remedy for cockrel sass...Richard can vouch for that. :old
Here is a tip, when one little rooster starts to act tough or crow, get him exposed to the older hens, even if you think he is young, i have done this at 6 weeks old, then, he will be so concerned about staying out of an aggressive hens way he will not learn to crow for quite a while.

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