What are everyone's chickens names and why?


In the Brooder
12 Years
Mar 11, 2007
Kellyville, Oklahoma
i need names i have 8 so far and am adding abt 1 a week lmao i am addicted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! would love to hear ur names for your chickies and the reason why hey are named thet!!
My four and six year old boys came up with the names for our chickens. The Buff Orpington is Blanca, the Ameraucana is Loui, the RIR is Rosey and the Black Bared Rock is Pecker (my favorite name). Blanca and Rosey were named because of their colors. Loui came out of left field. Pecker was named for her actions although if one of them is going to be a rooster, that would be the one. :|
omg pecker how clever !! i think i will steal it if u dont mind.....great name for my hubbys rooster he is a lil turd bucket
Okay my 6 year old son named the chicks, we have Juice, moose, caboose, tony stewart, and Ryan Newman, also he named his dog Rusty Wallace LOL can you tell he is a nascar fan.

i have a Sussex roo called Henry, a Sussex hen called Henrietta, A Sussex Pullet called Pearl, a Tiny sussex pullet called peanut, a Silver Spangled Hamburg pullet named Jewel, a Gold Spangled Hamburg called Bridget, a Brown Leghorn cockeral named Magnum, a Brown Leghorn pullet name nonsense and a Brown Leghorn Pullet named Goldie
I have Prissy (from the Bugs Bunny cartoons). The others, Dale Ann, Rhonda, Cia, Don and Rigsby are named for Bluegrass singers.
Okay, My sons each named theirs...My three year olds is "Froggy" My 6 year olds is "Hannah"(after a girl he likes at school), and my seven year olds is "Mrs. Lewis". I have one with a twisted beak named "Twisty", how original, and My surprise rare chick which we have yet to figure out what she is, is "Sweety". we also named two of the others that we were not keeping, "Cinnamon" and "Pretty Bird". A friend of mine told me to name them nugget, tender, corn soup, and any other food related items that go with chicken.
My Roo's name is Frank Bennett ( Wife beater in movie fried green tomatoes that got eaten in the barbecue) cause he controls his hens. Kids named him that..LOL
Hi I have 2 golden commets one is Lucy and one is Lily. Then I got 3 barred rocks one is Dolly, one Reba and one Jewel. My bantams are Silver Belle, and Lucky cause I saved her from being live bait in a trap my crazy husband thought he could get away with that while I have chicken fever? Good luck with your names. Cindy

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