What are my cream legbar pullets?


13 Years
Apr 10, 2011
I bought them from Tractor Supply because I wanted to give my beautiful legbar pair a few extra girls. What did I end up with? One is very small and there are three different patterns. Pretty sure the two are actually legbars. Are they even pullets?
The two bigger ones could be Legbars, but they also could be olive eggers. Cuckoo Marans x cream Legbar type. Not sure which, but if they are Legbars they are hatchery quality ones.

I think the reddish chick could be a Cinnamon Queen, Rhode Island red x silver laced Wyandotte. Or it could be an Easter egger of some type.

I'm not sure on the small one, but it is not a Legbar. Maybe another Easter egger. There are all sorts of them out there now.
Yes, I think the two that look the same are legbars or legbar adjacent but the other two really threw me. They will probably be EE roosters and I’ll cry. 😭 I just wanted to add a few hatchery quality hens to balance ratios for my legbar rooster and see how I like legbars this year before I go out and invest in hatching eggs from quality stock next year. I JUST found a home for the last of my spare roosters.

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