What are some chicken breeds you wish that you have, but you don’t yet?

Oh how I wish I could have an unlimited amount of space for chickens. Right now I'm loving the look of mottled bantam cochins in any color, especially the buff.

My dream chicken would be an easy to handle, bearded Cochin bodytype bird that may or may not lay green eggs. Not sure if that already exists, if anyone knows of such a breed let me know. my sister has a really nice show Cochin bantam Roo with her friendliest Easter eggers. I plan to get eggs from this group in a few weeks to incubate. Hehehe 🤠

I used to raise and show bearded Quail D'Anvers, and would love to have them again because they are such comical little creatures. Also other colors of that breed!

As for something I've never ever had, Salmon Faverolles. If I were to order something, it would be faverolles.

I have a thing for bearded chickens. If all breeds had a bearded variety I'd not be able to control myself.

Mottled buff, blue, black cochins
Cochin x Easter egger cross
Bearded D'anvers
Salmon Faverolles
Oh how I wish I could have an unlimited amount of space for chickens. Right now I'm loving the look of mottled bantam cochins in any color, especially the buff.

My dream chicken would be an easy to handle, bearded Cochin bodytype bird that may or may not lay green eggs. Not sure if that already exists, if anyone knows of such a breed let me know. my sister has a really nice show Cochin bantam Roo with her friendliest Easter eggers. I plan to get eggs from this group in a few weeks to incubate. Hehehe 🤠

I used to raise and show bearded Quail D'Anvers, and would love to have them again because they are such comical little creatures. Also other colors of that breed!

As for something I've never ever had, Salmon Faverolles. If I were to order something, it would be faverolles.

I have a thing for bearded chickens. If all breeds had a bearded variety I'd not be able to control myself.

Mottled buff, blue, black cochins
Cochin x Easter egger cross
Bearded D'anvers
Salmon Faverolles
Yea you definitely need to get the Favorelles
They're amazing:lau

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