What are the most fun and friendly breed of chickens as pets?

WOW, the original poster of this thread is really gonna have a hard time deciding...as there are SO many friendly chickens out there......
chickens rule!
Although I have heard that mine are unusual, and have to say that how you raise them really may make a world of difference, I will say that I am impressed with my daughter's New Hampshires.

Her "favorite" loves to come in and fall asleep on her lap and watch TV. She taught it to "play dead". It will flatten itself out in her lap and lay it's head completely outstretched. She can then pick up it's head and reposition it anywhere and it just continues lying there. My friend that raises broilers asked if she would teach HIS chickens this trick...as it would make chopping block time so much easier. Needless to say... she ran away screaming! LOL

And, the NH can be visually sexed as chicks and are great layers to boot!
I think it depends on the chicken in general, my favorite is my Bantam Cochins, if you asked my husband he would say Serama. I love my orpingtons too, Silkies are the most laid back. Cochins are friendly and beautiful and have personality, but my son thinks the D'Uccles are the friendliest, they are most nosey in my opinion. But then again the modern game are adorable and sweet.. I dont think I am much help. Sorry...
You have New Hampshires? Can you visit the New Hampshire thread?


Isn't that bumping a thread? Not trying to be rude, just wondering.

Not to get off topic, but bumping USUALLY refers to reactivating a dead thread. This would be redirrecting methinks. But I certainly am not management... so they have the call.

Back on topic:
Are silkies really as sweet as I have heard? My dd really wants to know.
I have had many different breeds. So far I like the silkies best as far as pets go. My silkies so far are friendly, sweet and have a great egg/feed ratio. They seem to do pretty good in the cold....so far. Then my Jersey giant hen (Charlotte). Charlotte is talkative, friendly, HUGE, and a great egg layer. She's beautiful. I have never seen such a pretty hen. Maybe it's the size. She is never aggressive.

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