What are the red "blood spots" on egg yolks?

Yes we own 22 chickens and some of them are having little red spots in their eggs. Is that something to worry about? dose it have to do with their eggs?
The bloody spots are the reason I found this site. I have four girls. Three are newly acquired girls, about a month and a half ago. We don't know how old they are. Each day we get two/three eggs, sometimes four. I don't even eat them I give them away, I just coldn't resist the furried creatures. However one of the newer chickens egg is always lighter in color and slightly puckerish on one end and full of bloody spots. Not talking one or two spots I'm talking ten or twelve or more spots. They all are free range and they get laying pellets and house scraps to dig thru. All of them appear to be healthy, mush fatter then when they got here and their feathers are filling in. My question is why would one have so many spots when the others have none?
good question skooby...because again..just today while making dinner...one of the eggs i opened had alot of blood in it...so gross...but the others were fine...and i dont know what hen even laid it...i hope nothing is wrong with her..
Thank you gritsar - I bookmarked that page and signed up for newsletter. I checked the site for other things also. Now I am off to read the posts about feeding foods so I can learn about more vit k & a so I can get her something better to try to eat.
Yes, absolutely. Spoon the blood spot (or meat spot) out and cook as usual or if you are making scrambled eggs or including the eggs in another dish, just mix em in. Totally harmless.
yes, thanks for the help!

I added that to Favorites! Isn't gritty the greatest?

I think you're a pretty awesome person yourself.

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