What are we, please. *UPDATED w/ 2 WEEK PICS*


16 Years
May 8, 2008
North Carolina
Just got 6 fuzzies today at TSC and they store employees have no idea what they were sent. The yellow ones were sent as assorted pullets (let's hope they're pullets!
) and the two colored ones as straight runs. One of the store employees was pretty sure my two are pullets.

Right now I'm only interested in the breed of the two yellow and black ones.




Any ideas?

Those are the ones my kids picked out for themselves. The one with the "v" on it's head is my 7 year old DD's and she's already named it something that begins with a V.
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I know everyone gets tired of the "what breed is this" chick questions on here, but I can't find anyplace where I can figure this out for myself. I've looked at MM and other hatchery websites with no luck. And I looked at the whole 35 page long thread on here too.
Any recommendations?
Are they the standard sized ones or the bantams? I am having the same issue with my TSC banties and have been looking through HUNDREDS of pics online. That coloration looks familiar, I just can't remember atm, but I will look again!
Within the last six months I have had three different kinds of dark chicks like this, and for the life of me I cannot think which were the ones that had more light coloring on them!

I am thinking it was either Black Langshan or Black Australorp.

Let me see if I can find some pictures of my birds when they were babies.

These are standards. And I know what you mean, I've spent several hours on this computer looking at chick pics and NOT ONE looks like the two nearly identical chicks we have. These two little ones have white and black feathers starting on their wings, but they don't look anything like the Wyandotte or Barred Rock chick pics I've looked at.
I know they came from Privett Hatchery so I just Googled "Privett Hatchery Ancona" and, sure enough, they sell them as standard white egg layers.

Anconas are an attractive, distinctive, white egg breed with size and body shape very similar to Leghorns. They are small, active and alert with black plumage that has white tipped feathers evenly distributed. They are good foragers, considered non-broody and very good layers of medium size white eggs. The white and black chicks are very eye appealing.


That has to be what mine are. I guess we shall see in a few weeks when they feather out.
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