What are we, please. *UPDATED w/ 2 WEEK PICS*

Well, I'm pretty obsessed with figuring out what these chicks are. I've been looking at all these pics again after noticing that our chicks have black on their beaks. I see that the Australorp chicks have black on their beaks but the Aconas don't. So once again...

Anyone else care to guess at what our cuties are? Please.
I was looking at pictures of my ancona chick that I had a few years ago, and yours looks similar, but not exactly like mine did. Your baby's legs look to be the wrong color for an ancona. Mine was quite yellow/orange, and yours are looking dark.

The down on those babies reminds me of pictures of mottled cochins I've seen, but your babies don't have feathered legs. I'm going looking at pictures of mottle chicks to see if I can find one that looks like yours.
We were just at TSC this morning in Washington, NC and they got an order of looks like 100 chicks from Centurion Poultry here is the link
They had them sorted by yellow chicks, red chicks and multi colored Banties. They did not know have a clue as to what kind they were.
Maybe the link will help you. They do not even list "regular" breeds on there. Looks like everything is a high production egg layer type.
Good luck on what breed you have.

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