what are y'all saving from the wild to deal with coming crisis?

No it’s not irrelevant. It is what it is, you either get it or you don’t. Science is not something to “believe “ in. It just is.

Why on earth would anyone bury their head in the sand and deny science just because it does not comport to their world view? Is it too hard to accept that maybe something you believe in is flawed?


Again, the consensus view is totally irrelevant to science. Consensus is the realm of politics, not science. It is the antithesis of science. One person can prove everyone else wrong.

I've studied the matter extensively. The believers are the climate doomsayers who have no evidence whatsoever to support their catastrophic predictions. Everything they claim is based on computer models, not scientific evidence. If it's not based on physical evidence, it's not science. That's why every prediction they've made for the last 30 years (at least) has been wrong.
No it’s not irrelevant. It is what it is, you either get it or you don’t. Science is not something to “believe “ in. It just is.

Why on earth would anyone bury their head in the sand and deny science just because it does not comport to their world view? Is it too hard to accept that maybe something you believe in is flawed?

I put part of your post in bold. The bold part is an interesting statement! If you turn that claim on itself and apply it to your opinions you might see why I find philosophically interesting.
Uhm, let’s think about who opposed Galileo for a minute. The Catholic Church is who, and their “experts” who either agreed or died.
So it’s basically the same thing, religious people opposed to science that does not comport to their world view.
Thanks for the historical context it’s perfect.

It’s ok to challenge your beliefs.

What you don't see is that you are in the very same position as the experts of Galileo's day. Experts today who disagree with the consensus view perish professionally.
What you don't see is that you are in the very same position as the experts of Galileo's day. Experts today who disagree with the consensus view perish professionally.

Wow, I guess you can twist anything to comport with your world view. I guess the alternative is just too hard.


I accept science, I don’t “believe “ in it. Big difference.

Ok, here is a YouTube by a scientist who supports his position with science. Your post indicates that you believe him because he is supporting his position with science. Let me know if you believe his science or if you think he practiced bad science.

What? There are mountains of evidence supporting the fact that the earth is warming and it’s caused by humans.

How can you just categorically deny the evidence?


No one questions the earth's climate is warming; it has been since the Little Ice Age ended, which had nothing to do with man. There is zero evidence that man is responsible, or that warming will be catastrophic. A warming world is good. What we need to be concerned about and prepare for is a cooling world (cold is far more dangerous than warm), that growing numbers of scientists think is eminent due to us entering a Grand Solar Minimum. There has been no significant warming for the last 20 years, and the last 3 years have cooled. So they might be right.
Which means that you accept what the scientific establishment says. That's belief, not science. Science is about skepticism and inquiry, not acceptance. You are simply believing what you've been told.

And where do you get your ideas? Not from rigorous scientific inquiry but from alt-rt and fringe sources that pick and choose their ideas to create a world view divorced from fact. Or dependent on only certain facts. Keep in mind now that one of the alt-fact gurus now claims his ideas reflect a psychotic break. I’m out too. There’s no reasoning with internet nonsense.

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