what are y'all saving from the wild to deal with coming crisis?


If I believed that, I would humanely kill them first, then toss their lifeless bodies out to the scavengers rather than release them alive out to the not-so-tender mercies of the wild. But that's just me.
I'd release them hoping for a chance that they may survive. If I killed them, there would zero chance of survival.
All these ignorant old people claiming that global warming doesn’t exist so they can feel better about the selves for leaving the world a mess. Almost all climate scientists will agree that climate change is real and it being sped up and worsened by human activity. Even NASA agrees and they have some of the top climate scientists and are one of the most qualified agency’s talk about it with all the technology and funding to do any study they want. Unless your some flat earthier that believes NASA lies LOL.since the mid 19th century co2 in the air has been rapidly increasing, It was relatively stable beforehand. There is no denying it people can say that it is a hoax but everyone who says that listens to scientists who most likely are not actual climate scientists.
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All these ignorant old people claiming that global warming doesn’t exist so they can feel better about the selves for leaving the world a mess. Almost all climate scientists will agree that climate change is real and it being sped up and worsened by human activity. Even NASA agrees and they have some of the top climate scientists and are one of the most qualified agency’s talk about it with all the technology and funding to do any study they want. Unless your some flat earthier that believes NASA lies LOL.since the mid 19th century co2 in the air has been rapidly increasing, It was relatively stable beforehand. There is no denying it people can say that it is a hoax but everyone who says that listens to scientists who most likely are not actual climate scientists.
Agree. Climate change is a natural occurrence but due to the way humans have destroyed and polluted the earth and seas, the changes are happening at very accelerated rates. Natural changes come with very little fanfare not the devastation we've witnessed in the last 10 years.
to feed your feather crew? unless y'all have been on the moon lately{LOL). supposedly earth changes are here and getting worse everyday.
So much rain here in ky. and other breadbaskets areas. people having to sell off their herds last summer because of droughts. now flooding etc farmers fields flooded mud everywhere. other places droughts
Mainstream news is not stressing how bad our food supply is right now and coming. supposedly coming winter is to be worst on record
so what do y'all feel to save back for our feather friends. one chat room suggested grass seeds, wild seeds etc. even box elder. which I haven't looked up yet
the animals around here are acting strange
anyones thoughts?
You kidding? Do you know how much it cost me to fit all my hens with sunglasses? 19 hens @ 6.00$ each. Only in California !!!
I learned that we can grow mealworms easily in the basement. That would be a welcome source of protein. I think about growing amaranth and other highly nutritious grains and seeds to keep the girls through the winter, if it comes to that.
Agree. Climate change is a natural occurrence but due to the way humans have destroyed and polluted the earth and seas, the changes are happening at very accelerated rates. Natural changes come with very little fanfare not the devastation we've witnessed in the last 10 years.

I don't know where you're getting that info. The climate is mild today compared to what it was decades and centuries ago. Go read what it was like during the Maunder and Dalton Minimums (very unstable), and during the 1930s (hotter than today). The weather is unusual now because the jet stream is wavy, which is caused by reduced solar activity. NASA has forecast that we are entering a period of solar quiet comparable to the Dalton Minimum, so the unusual weather will probably continue if they are right.
All these ignorant old people claiming that global warming doesn’t exist so they can feel better about the selves for leaving the world a mess. Almost all climate scientists will agree that climate change is real and it being sped up and worsened by human activity. Even NASA agrees and they have some of the top climate scientists and are one of the most qualified agency’s talk about it with all the technology and funding to do any study they want. Unless your some flat earthier that believes NASA lies LOL.since the mid 19th century co2 in the air has been rapidly increasing, It was relatively stable beforehand. There is no denying it people can say that it is a hoax but everyone who says that listens to scientists who most likely are not actual climate scientists.

Now, now don't go off on a religious rant about global warming. Climate scientists know that if they don't toe the line they won't get funding and their careers will be ruined; I can name several top notch scientists who lost their funding because they dared to challenge the status quo. Everyone knows the earth has warmed over the last 150 years; that's what happens when you come out of a little ice age. But it certainly hasn't warmed much over the last 20 years, while the last 3 years have actually cooled a bit. And go look at the the data from the Vostok ice cores; CO2 always increases after temperatures increase.
I don't know where you're getting that info. The climate is mild today compared to what it was decades and centuries ago. Go read what it was like during the Maunder and Dalton Minimums (very unstable), and during the 1930s (hotter than today). The weather is unusual now because the jet stream is wavy, which is caused by reduced solar activity. NASA has forecast that we are entering a period of solar quiet comparable to the Dalton Minimum, so the unusual weather will probably continue if they are right.
This is BYC. None of these comments have to do with fowl. Please limit your comments to fowl.

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