what are y'all saving from the wild to deal with coming crisis?

And where do you get your ideas? Not from rigorous scientific inquiry but from alt-rt and fringe sources that pick and choose their ideas to create a world view divorced from fact. Or dependent on only certain facts. Keep in mind now that one of the alt-fact gurus now claims his ideas reflect a psychotic break. I’m out too. There’s no reasoning with internet nonsense.

I've looked at the evidence that climate doomsayers themselves disseminate.
Man affects climate but a tiny shift in the sun's activity can easily overwhelm any effect we provide.

Climate Change has been blown out of proportion to enrich special interests.
People have been indoctrinated by claims such as; "All scientists agree."
College research used to do things like look for cures. Now they are given grants by large corporations to provide evidence that supports those corporations.
There is no money in cures. You lose your entire base. Treatment is the moneymaker.
This financing has also tainted many climate scientists.
I don't believe that giving billions to Al Gore and other climate magnates helps the earth.

As evidence of how easily we are indoctrinated, I give you the support of Islam by women and Gays, when 1.1 billion Muslims support the Sharia law that legalizes the murder of Gays and rape victims.

source: Pew Research

Pakistan alone murders 1000 women a year in "Honor Killings"

source: Human Rights Commission of Pakistan
Lets see what I can gather from my land....

Yucca pods (cook like squash)
Yucca Root Starchy potato special handling
Cactus Apples
Cactus pads Saute with eggs

Cotton tail
Bush Bunny
Jack Rabbit
Quail in abundance
Mule Deer on occasion

There are ponds to fish in but they will be fished out quickly. Catfish Mosquito fish and cray fish.

Occasionally Cattle will wander across the border looking for forage... The recommendation from the border patrol is to Not keep them but Butcher em out quickly.
The border fence has deterred them from crossing in most places but there are still holes and places to go around.

Not so much here but in Arizona the occasional Javalina or Peccary will show up. Not a pig but an example of parallel evolution... they can Rip you up with their teeth....

but for me I will rely on Beans and rice and the Red meat from Muscovy..... males are about thirteen pounds females are about ten. You can cure the meat like Corned beef and pastrami.... You can also make Proscheuto out of it.

My other poultry will be chicken, Guinea, and possibly quail.

But really the most efficent home grown meat is rabbit.

Lean meats can be smoked and dried and stored in containers filled with nitrogen or Carbon dioxide.... (been a while since I researched it all)....

The Pioneer way of preserving meat is salt and pepper it and dry it for later consumption. then rather than eating it like jerkey cut it up into bite sized pieces and added it to stew vegitables.

I am sorry this thread has moved away from prepping and preparing for what may come.
was an avid reader of the Fox fire books for those who may be interested... Convinced when I was in highschool that Atomic war was a real possiblity.

Exactly, thank you!!!

Can we start talking about chickens again, guys?
Occasionally Cattle will wander across the border looking for forage... The recommendation from the border patrol is to Not keep them but Butcher em out quickly.


but for me I will rely on Beans and rice and the Red meat from Muscovy.....
I had some. They say the meat is closer to veal than duck.
I myself far prefer the oily meat of the Pekin duck.

But really the most efficent home grown meat is rabbit.


Some other advantages of rabbit in a survival situation is that they don't make any noise to give them away. You could raise them in the basement and nobody would ever know.
Rabbit manure is also one of the few manures that doesn't require aging before use.
College research used to do things like look for cures. Now they are given grants by large corporations to provide evidence that supports those

College researchers still do this. I know some of them.


As evidence of how easily we are indoctrinated, I give you the support of Islam by women and Gays, when 1.1 billion Muslims support the Sharia law that legalizes the murder of Gays and rape victims.

source: Pew Research

Pakistan alone murders 1000 women a year in "Honor Killings"

source: Human Rights Commission of Pakistan[/QUOTE]

Yes. And Alex Jones and Steve Bannon et al. convinced hundreds of thousands of Americans that Hillary Clinton is running a child sex trade ring out of the basement of a pizza restaurant that has no basement. What’s your point? There are too many people who don’t believe “gullible” isn’t in the dictionary.

When people make sweeping statements that are unsupported especially about secret government plots I just tune out.
Yes. And Alex Jones and Steve Bannon et al. convinced hundreds of thousands of Americans that Hillary Clinton is running a child sex trade ring out of the basement of a pizza restaurant that has no basement. What’s your point?
When people make sweeping statements that are unsupported especially about secret government plots I just tune out

I provide evidence from National Geographic and NASA to support my climate claims.
As for Pizzagate, it was about Podesta's emails, full of child porn references. His home is also filled with artwork of young children in bondage and other abominations.
The media convinced you to ignore all this by focusing only on some pizza place.

As for the climate, the NatGeo story says; "The predicted solar "sleep" is being compared to the last grand minimum on record, which occurred between 1645 and 1715."

The Little Ice Age began in 1650, according to NASA.
"The NASA Earth Observatory notes three particularly cold intervals: one beginning about 1650..."

The climate hucksters are devastated. They will have to switch back to the dangers of global cooling! Anything to keep you frightened.
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