What are you canning now?

@MistyMountain congrats on the applesauce! I only have a glass top range too and have managed to do a tiny bit of canning but it does that time, lots of time.

Thanks! I guess the other most exciting thing is that I did not add ANY sugar!! DH tried a bit before I canned it, and his eyes lit up. I did a mix of apples, a little local apple cider to keep things from burning while they cooked down, and a touch of Fruit Fresh. It was wonderful!
Thanks! I guess the other most exciting thing is that I did not add ANY sugar!! DH tried a bit before I canned it, and his eyes lit up. I did a mix of apples, a little local apple cider to keep things from burning while they cooked down, and a touch of Fruit Fresh. It was wonderful!

That's the way we like things too...light on the sugar and lots of flavor. You'll have to really load up on the apples next season, you're family is going to be bugging the heck out of you to make more, lol.
Ugh, that moment you think something sealed well and it ends up going bad. Had a jar each of tomato sauce and green beans go bad. Considering the sheer amount of beans and sauce I made this year it's not terrible, but it's mostly just annoying.

Working on applesauce and pie filling today to make me feel better.
I whipped up 5 more pints of applesauce yesterday. It looks like all of them had some oozing, but appear and feel to be sealed. Why is this happening? I was careful to leave the 1/2" space at the top. Is this normal and is it OK to use these? I have gently cleaned the jars off.
You are water bathing them, right? Only time I've ever seen oozing is with pressure canner that has had the lid/weight removed before the pressure was completely equalized.
First day of archery season, so 3 bucks harvested here today and another son still out hunting, so it could be 4 by the day's end. What will I be canning? DEER MEAT!
Oh you are so fortunate. DH usually comes back empty handed. He hurt his arm and won't be hunting at all now.

Wait a minute. You're in WV and I'm in MD. Can I pretty please have some deer bologna? Lol

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