What are you canning now?

Quick question, I am canning pear buttter. The recipe says it does it in pints, i want to use 1/2 pints. Can I use 1/2 pints and just cook it at the recommended time(10 minutes) for pints?

Yes. Over-processing to the larger size time is safe, and with pear butter overcooking shouldn't be an issue. I hope it comes out great! I did an asian pear/apple butter (with citric acid amounts like it was all pear, to be safe) and it's delicious.
So far I am on batch number 3, with about 2 more to go, the remaining pears on sitting on my front porch waiting to be brought in the house. I have 2 more milk cartons filled with pears at my dad's house waiting to be brought over here. Had my kids try it and they both loved it, Hubby not so much, but the kids are what matter. They ate 1/2 of a jar already that wasn't full enough to be processed.
Last Saturday, I was going out to prep my garden for mowing...move the hoses and pick up windfall fruit from under the apple and pear trees. The apples are not ripe yet, but the Moonglow Pear is ripe and ready to pick and process.
I was surprised to see that the Moonglow pear and the Bartlett pear tree had no fruit either on the trees or on the ground.
There was fruit there on Friday morning! We had a funeral to attend Friday afternoon and I had not gone back into the garden until Saturday morning.
Hubby and BIL said it could have been raccoons, but how many coons would there have been to strip a minimum of 15 gallon of pears off two dwarf trees!?!
I'm thinking some two legged thieves.

Our neighbor's are great and always enjoy the fruit we share with them...so it wasn't them. We live on 248 acres on a paved road with no houses within 1/2 mile either direction. Our garden is fenced and behind the house. Nothing else was picked from the garden...we had tomatoes, peppers, okra, squash and cantaloupe.

Good thing I put up loads of pear butter, pear chutney and dried pear chips last year.
My nectarine gets stripped of fruit overnight by fruit bats if it's not netted. Will be covered one day and bare the next. Could you have a flock of birds etc that likes pears?
Been canning salsa today and ended with 15 qts and 7 pts. Now I've got a big stock pot of tomato soup on the stove, ready to be canned and another large pan full of tomato sauce in the fridge for more of the same when this is done.

I expect to be up half the night on it, as I didn't manage my time well today.

Got a new canning pantry! Half of it is already full . . . It has doors that are glass on top and wood on the lower half to keep it dark for long-term storage. I got two shelves; this is one and the second is empty and still needs doors on. After much shopping around Ikea was by far the best value for covered storage with shelves rated for 66 lbs each; about 20 glass quarts. (The shelves fit 16 quarts nicely without stacking.)

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